Review: Own by K.I. Lynn & N. Isabelle Blanco (Need #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the authors via TRSoR Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

I've had a taste of Brayden, a small piece of a relationship with him, but can I handle fully trusting him with my heart? Past that, is there any way to truly be together?

Own is the much-awaited conclusion to the forbidden love story of Kira Roth and Brayden Hunt, told in all its sweet, saucy, and sexy glory by K.I. Lynn and N. Isabelle Blanco. After everything they've been through Kira and Brayden can finally lay their rightful claim on one another, but it's a claim that they're still hesitant to let the rest of the world know. Her mother is still very much married to his father, and in the eyes of too many people, Kira and Brayden are siblings, even if you try to lessen its impact with the word "step" in front of it. As they struggle to be together, they'll need to face the opposition that'll be thrown their way, but some could cost more than either of them are prepared to give. Will Kira and Brayden own up to their undying love or has does their story finally end?

Oh, Brayden... Goodness, the young man was an anti-hero after my own heart. Over the span of three books, he's come so far from the boy that I loved to hate to the boy that I hated to love (but there was just no helping myself) to now becoming the young man who proved himself worthy of my, erm, Kira's love, trust, and respect. I've read every high and low that Brayden and Kira experienced and trust me when I say that these two never had it easy, not when it felt as if the whole world was against them, even as the world had no clue what was going on between these clandestine lovers. Trying to hide something you want to share with everyone around you isn't just difficult, it's painful and hurtful. Brayden and Kira should be proud of the love they have but they're made to feel ashamed.

I loved how everything that needed to be resolved finally was in this third and final book in the Need trilogy. There was retribution and absolution and a great deal of satisfaction was to be had, especially if you're as much of a fan of the novels as I am. From the moment I first read Brayden and Kira's story in Need, I was invested in these two. Even when things became iffy and confusing in Take, I refused to give in to the temptation of thinking that maybe they simply had no path to happiness. Now with Own, my faith in them and their tale of true love--one that was thought of as taboo by others--has been rewarded three times over. And that snippet from Stay? Something I look forward to in late 2017. Is it too much to ask for a novel for Austin as well? Fingers crossed! Five-plus stars for Own. ♥

Kira is my future. I want to be cemented to her forever. For the first time in my life marriage isn't a never. My own family isn't a never. 
I want a life with Kira. I want everything with her. 
Now to make it happen.

Read my reviews for the Need series:

 Need (book one) - five stars - My Review

Take (book two) - five stars - My Review

Own (book three) - five-plus stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 28 November 2016

Date Read: 27 November 2016

Learn more about K.I. Lynn and N. Isabelle Blanco.

Purchase Own on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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