The Year in Review: My Favorites for 2014

This is my first ever published list of personal favorites and what I consider the best books that I've read in 2014. Some of them may not have been published or released in 2014 but since I did only read them this year, they're part of my list. Hey, great books are timeless. ^.^ I've also got a separate list for series and while a couple of the series are not the complete, they're on the list because majority of the books in the series were released and/or read this year. I decided to go with a separate list because it just made more sense and allowed me to stick with 15 for the first list. And, to be honest, these authors had more than one book on my list of favorites and I couldn't choose just one among their published stuff that I read this year. ^.^ Let it also be said that there are a lot of other wonderful books that came out this year that aren't on the list, not because they don't deserve to be on it but because, sadly, I haven't gott...