
Showing posts from April, 2024

Release Blitz: Beautifully Fractured by Michele Lenard

Beautifully Fractured (Front Range University #1) by Michele Lenard Release Date: April 30, 2024 About Beautifully Fractured Ever have someone get you so well it’s like looking in a mirror? Cruz Starting over is not what I had planned. Those stories about magically becoming best friends with the person assigned to live with you… Yeah, that won’t be me. I already have a best friend. Even if I wanted a new one, Liam wouldn’t be it. He’s permanently grouchy, carrying a negative energy I don’t need since I’m finally in a good place. But I’ve never been good at ignoring when people need help, so I paste on a smile and play nice. Predictably, Liam isn’t much of a talker, but after an unexpected accident he needs my help in other ways. Ways that offer me answers about myself. Ways that raise new questions about the football dreams I’ve been chasing since I was a kid. Ways that make me relive the past I want to ignore. To say I’m confused is an understatement, but there’s one t

Review: The Accidental Siren by Lexi Blake writing as Sophie Oak (Texas Sirens: Legacy #1)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author. Lexi Blake, writing as Sophie Oak, takes readers back to Willow Fork, Texas with the first novel in her Texas Sirens: Legacy series. Yep, we've got ourselves a spin-off, people! For those out there who have either never read the original Texas Sirens series--or the Nights in Bliss, Colorado books which are part of a companion series--or are new to Blake's writing as Oak or Blake's writing as a whole, worry not! You can definitely jump in and make this new series starter as your introduction to her storytelling. Fair warning: This is a ménage à trois romance. If MFM romances aren't a hard stop for you, get ready for a fun read; if they are, well, check out some of Blake's other work. (A quick note: Blake's books as Oak were my intro to ménage à trois romances, and while I'm still picky when it comes to this trope, hers are an auto-read. The Accidental Siren  is the story of Joshua Barnes-Fl

Release Blast: The Pucker Next Door by Sara Ney

The Pucker Next Door by Sara Ney Release Date: April 29, 2024 About The Pucker Next Door When a squirrel chews its way through my bedroom wall, I do the first thing any single girl like me would do: run screaming out of the house to the neighbors, begging for help. I should mention that the house next door is full of hockey players. And when I lock eyes on rough and rugged Brodie Stockhausen—who happens to be outside brooding on the porch—I’m not exactly impressed. But I’m desperate, in a bathrobe, and need a bit of rescuing. Soon I’m begging for his help with more than just squirrel duty and DIY projects. I want his attention and his touch— not just his friendship! I want what every girl wants: him lying in his bed at night, so desperate for me that he’s willing to scale two stories to sneak into my window. Hey, a girl can dream… But Brodie has a secret; one that leaves me wanting more every time we’re together but has him pulling away… Add The Pucker Next Door

Review: The Pucker Next Door by Sara Ney

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author. Ooh, this was a cute read! The Pucker Next Door  is the brand-new standalone college hockey romance from Sara Ney. I'm not sure if it's the first in a new series, if it's really meant to be a true standalone, aka not interconnected to anything else Ney has written or intends to write. Either way, this new book was fun and features a hockey player, his flirty neighbor, and a squirrel possibly squatting inside bedroom walls. Oh, and the male main character happens to be a virgin. (That's NOT a spoiler. It's right there on the cover of the book, so don't come after me saying I spoiled it because it isn't mentioned in the blurb.) College junior Lizzy Campbell didn't quite believe her roommate's warning about a squirrel on the loose in the house they were renting, but she gets undeniable proof of its existence once she lays eyes on it. Needing a rescue, Lizzy runs over to the house next door--

Release Day: Hearty by Carrie Aarons

Hearty (The Ashton Family #4) by Carrie Aarons Release Date: April 26, 2024 About Hearty They say you can always go home again, but for August Percy, that didn’t apply even when she had to live there until her eighteenth birthday. After saying goodbye to a toxic childhood, she never planned to look in the rearview. Until the death of the woman who caused all her trauma forces her back to Hope Crest. With a mountain of debt and an uncertain future, August at least has a soft place to land when her former employer and surrogate big brother offers her a house that isn’t chock full of nightmares from the past. What she never bargained for, though? The boy-turned-man she’s always crushed hard on from afar accidentally becoming her roommate. Evan Ashton is the prodigal son who finally came home … even if he didn’t necessarily want to. As the new head chef of his family’s fourth-generation restaurant, he’s trying to build his own legacy in a line full of stubborn men. So when he ends u

Review: Hearty by Carrie Aarons (The Ashton Family #4)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author. I've been looking forward to reading Evan Ashton and August Percy's story ever since it was clear that she had a bit of a crush on the youngest Ashton sibling. I also felt that she deserved a happily-ever-after, especially considering the hints that her home life was far from ideal. Hearty  is the title of the fourth and final Ashton Family  series, and it's a roommates-to-lovers romance. If you've read the previous books, then you'll know that August left Hope Crest, Pennsylvania after receiving a college scholarship and that Evan returned to their hometown prior to her leaving after a bit of badgering from his family in hopes he would take the helm in the family-owned Hope Pizza. Four years after August's departure, she's back. Burdened by everything her now-departed mother has left behind, August realizes what was supposed to be a quick trip to Hope Crest was going to be a longer stay. It

Release Blitz: Burnout by Rebecca Jenshak

Burnout by Rebecca Jenshak Release Date: April 25, 2024 About Burnout He’s the hot, tattooed bad boy that I traded insults with...and now he wants my help? Knox Holland is in a jam. After an incredible first year on the pro motocross circuit, he should be on top of the world. Instead, his bad reputation has landed him without a team. He’s untouchable and desperate to turn it around. Which is how he ends up at my gym asking me to train him. As a college gymnast with two Olympic medals to my name, I know a thing or two about the pressure to succeed. Last season I choked and then injured myself before I could show the world that I’m not a twenty-year-old has-been. Focused on the future, I can’t afford to get distracted. But I recognize the desperation in Knox’s eyes, and I can’t say no to him, either. It should have been an easy task, but nothing about Knox is easy. One minute we’re arguing, and the next I’m enjoying his shirtless handstands a little too much. Falling for h