Cover Reveal: A Vengeful Occasion by Kristy Marie

A Vengeful Occasion
(The Fallen Kings of Eden #2)
by Kristy Marie
Release Date: April 25, 2024
Cover Designs: TRC Designs & Silver Grace (Bitter Sage Designs)
Photography: Michelle Lancaster

About A Vengeful Occasion
Urban Legend.
Ruthless Attorney.
Hateful Billionaire.

Tobias Hale is surrounded by rumors, most of which are true.

Underneath that three-piece suit is a cold, callous man who rules the courtroom with an iron tongue. Judges hate him with the same passion he hates me.

He hasn't always been that way, though.

We were once star-crossed lovers who sat by the water's edge—me wearing his jacket and him dreaming about a future far away from my family—a place where I wasn't American royalty, only his queen.

I never thought I would see him again.

Years later, a chance encounter brings us face to face.

The sweet and compassionate man I once knew is long gone. The man before me now is a vicious and calculated billionaire.

Once upon a time, he was my fairytale prince.

Now, he has become the legend everyone knows as Tennyson—my husband, my killer.

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About Kristy Marie

Kristy Marie is an international bestselling author who loves writing temperamental heroes who fall hard for strong and witty heroines. She is also a six-pack of abs biggest fan.

She enjoys annoying her three children and husband for all the hugs and will attempt to grow anything green. She also reads all things romance and can be caught being naughty by enjoying a chapter or two before her 9 p.m. bedtime.

When Kristy's not writing broody alphas or hugging babies, you can catch her in pajamas watching baseball and yelling at the TV. Go Braves!

Connect with Kristy


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