Review: Undertow by Rachel Ember

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Gay Romance Reviews.

I'm rather picky when it comes to fantasy romance reads, mainly because I need to be able to envision the world that the author has created for their story and cast of characters. Rachel Ember has yet to disappoint me with her writing, so when I learned that the her upcoming release was going to be something different than her norm, I was up for it. Undertow was originally launched by the author via Kickstarter, with copies of the book available on her store. Now, this magical tale can be found on Amazon, and it's currently part of Amazon's Kindle Unlimited (KU) subscription program, so it's free to read for all subscribers (like moi!).

Expectations were high, and Rachel Ember and Aron and Zo blasted through every single one. Ember has always had a way with words, so picturing Sihr and all the goings-on was no hardship on my end. She also delivered two main characters--and a slew of standout supporting characters to boot!--who were layered and just so darn interesting that not delving into their tale would have been a futile endeavor. This is an absolute standalone, so whether you're new to Ember's writing or have read her other books in the past, go dive in the deep end of Aron and Zo's story and relish every captivating bit of it. Five stars for Undertow!

Date Read: 20 April 2024

Learn more about Rachel Ember.

Purchase Undertow on Amazon.


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