Release Blitz: The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree by Selina Kray
The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree (Stoker & Bash #2) by Selina Kray Date Released: October 30, 2018 About The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree When will She open Rebecca Northcote’s box? Finding lost poodles and retrieving stolen baubles is not how DI Tim Stoker envisioned his partnership with his lover, Hieronymus Bash. So when the police commissioner's son goes missing, he's determined to help, no matter what secrets he has to keep, or from whom. When a family member is kidnapped, Hiero moves heaven and earth to rescue them. Even if that means infiltrating the Daughters of Eden, a cult of wealthy widows devoted to the teachings of Rebecca Northcote and the mysterious contents of her box. The Daughters' goodwill toward London's fallen women has given them a saintly reputation, but Hiero has a nose for sniffing out a fraud. He will need to draw on some divine inspiration to rattle the pious Daughters. Like weeds gnarling the roots of Eden's f...