Review: Thursdays by Harper Bentley (The Wait #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Southern Belle Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Thursdays is the first book in the new Wait series from bestselling author Harper Bentley. It's the story of Birdie Chapman and Beck Griffin, two people who fall in love and get married...except not with and to each other. No, Birdie Winchester married her high school sweetheart, Mason Chapman, while Beck Griffin married a girl he met in college, Sonya Walters. Both those love stories had promising beginnings and they share certain similarities as well as differences. However, it is until their respective spouses end up with medical conditions that Beck and Birdie meet, and soon, Thursdays become the most important day of the week for these two. Will Beck and Birdie have nothing more than stolen moments when their everyday lives are still tied to two other people--Mason and Sonya?

If I haven't said it enough in my past reviews, let me reiterate: cliffhangers are EVIL. And yes, this series starter does end in a cliffhanger and a very evil one at that because damn it, I really am left hanging here and it's at a point in the story where my heart just breaks for one of the main characters. I'm not going to go into too much detail because well, spoilers and all that non-fun stuff (unless you're a spoiler seeker and you actually do look for reviews with spoilers). Let me just say that this story was different and in the best way possible. The beginning of Beck and Birdie's love story is unconventional but that connection is undeniable. Unfortunately, it's also a connection that is tenuous because of their circumstances. Read Thursdays but don't say I didn't warn you about the cliffy! 4.5 stars! ♥

Release Date: 22 November 2016

Date Read: 22 November 2016

Learn more about Harper Bentley.

Purchase Thursdays on Amazon | B&N.


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