Review: Listen to Your Heart by Sydney Logan

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

Skylar Douglas runs a successful wedding planning business with her best friend, Lynsey Evans and doesn't have much time for a personal life, making sure she's always available when her nephew, ten-year-old Eli, needs her. With him still reeling from his parents' divorce, Skye is the supportive aunt, especially with her brother and her ex-sister-in-law seemingly too busy bickering or with their jobs to even notice they're neglecting their son. His love for music warms Skye's heart, recognizing herself in it, with her preference for anything 80s being common knowledge to those closest to her. When Eli introduces her to his new music teacher, Skye immediately makes a connection with the Def Leppard shirt-wearing Caleb Lynch, a connection that he feels from the get-go as well. But as seemingly tethered as they already are, there's something that's stopping Caleb from fully pursuing this woman of his dreams. Skye unwittingly discovers why that's so when she's at the fitting for a groom's tuxedo and the groom turns out to be Caleb. He wants to explain, but will Skye be able to hear him over the sound of her breaking heart?

Oh, Sydney Logan, you've done it again. Listen to Your Heart was a beautifully written tale of finding love under odd circumstances and needing to make the choice between listening to your heart or your head--or both. I was born in the 70s but it was 80s music that I listened to as a teenager and it's an era that I remember fondly when it comes to not just music but film, television, and books as well. Skye and Caleb certainly find themselves in a quandary. There's no question that these two are falling for each other, but there's more at play. Caleb is engaged to his best friend, Juliana Martinez, a woman whom he loves but isn't in love with. They're prepared to get married in hopes of giving Jules' dying mother one final happy memory before she passes. If you think that explaining his situation to Skye will result in her easily acquiescing and agreeing to wait until the marriage is annulled, you've got another thing coming, which makes for a really fantastic read. Every time you think this is the happy ending they deserve, you notice that you aren't quite at the end of the book yet, meaning challenges still await Skye and Caleb.

I loved Skye and how she stood her ground but was always, essentially, someone who put others first. Caleb was a truly good guy, although there was a time or two that he deserved to get smacked upside the head for his misguided intentions. While I loved Skye and Caleb, I absolutely adored their best friends--Lynsey and Jules, respectively. These two seemed to be more levelheaded than their besties and I liked how they took matters into their own hands and did what they believed was necessary. There were a number of twists in the story, not the kind that could leave you aghast, but more the kind that takes the story in a direction that you may never have considered or anticipated. This is what I love about Sydney Logan's writing. She's clearly able to create a heartwarming tale of romance, regrets, and redemption, but she always adds her own unique flare to each tale, trying to give her readers something refreshingly different--in varying degrees--to fall in love with. Listen to Your Heart was a story about love, family, and making every moment count with those we love most. This gets five stars. ♥

Release Date: 19 November 2016

Date Read: 19 November 2016

Learn more about Sydney Logan.

Purchase Listen to Your Heart on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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