Review: Frostbitten by Charlotte Stein

Note: This ARC was provided by Riptide Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Frostbitten is a short story written by Charlotte Stein and it also happens to be my first read from the author. I confess, I had certain expectations when it came to this book, expectations based on the three other stories that were part of last year's Riptide Publishing Holiday Charity Bundle and the first one I read for this year. Sadly, this fell really short, and I'm not just talking about the length of it. I swear, I really, really, REALLY wanted to like this story, but it was confusing. It felt all over the place while still coming off as a whole lot of nothing going on. One was okay, the other interesting, and the third-- one the other two both wanted--was a wallflower turned wannabe.

There was a human nurse named Cora who was shy and timid and had a mad crush on an orderly named Zeke. A gas mainline in the hospital they both work at explodes during the Christmas party and Zeke rescues Cora but not in the way you would expect. Nope, Zeke is a vampire and well, he was already smitten with Cora and decided to save her by doing what vampires do best. Merrick isn't pleased by the turn of events. Who's Merrick, you ask? Merrick is Zeke's partner in every sense of the word. Too many emotions run rampant in Frostbitten, and it's the new vampire who ends up making sense of it all. Go figure. The threesome was too little too late for me. Two stars. ♥

Date Read: 26 November 2016

Learn more about Charlotte Stein.

Purchase Frostbitten on Riptide Publishing | Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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