Review: Dirty Sexy Sinner by Carly Phillips & Erika Wilde (Dirty Sexy #4)

Note: This ARC was provided by RockStar Lit PR in exchange for an honest review.

Five weeks ago, and prior to meeting Jackson, Tara never would have thought she could fall in love with a man so quickly. But in those five weeks, Jackson Stone had definitely altered her emotions in the best way possible. In ways that made her heart feel full whenever she was with him and empty when they were apart. He made her believe that fairy tales existed and made her hopeful for her own happily-ever-after, when she'd lived the past six years certain she didn't deserve that kind of bliss.

Bestselling authors Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde joined writing forces to give readers a trilogy about the three Kincaid brothers--Clay, Mason, and Levi--and their journey to live lives beyond the limitations set by their less than ideal past under the lack of care from their mother and how they're able to be successful men and go on to find love with their partners. So, imagine my shock a few months ago when I was poking around Carly Phillips's website and stumbled upon a fourth book! This was a surprise for fans of the series and the introduction of Jackson Stone was one hell of a twist. Who is Jackson Stone? He's none other than the fourth Kincaid brother and Clay's identical twin who was illegally adopted by a childless couple. If you thought the first three were sizzlers, Jackson's scorches!

Thirty-two-year-old Jackson Stone never expected to find out that he was adopted--illegally at that--but that gives him a clearer idea of why his father treated him the way he did. With the basic information he's gathered, Jackson is ready to meet his three brothers, Clay, Mason, and Levi Kincaid. When he enters Clay's bar, it's clear that the manager, Tara Kent sees the uncanny resemblance the suited Jackson has to her boss, and is taken aback when she learns Jackson and Clay are twins. The reception from the Kincaids is cool at best, and Tara can't help but empathize with the gorgeous man who looks at her with the same level of attraction and interest she has for him. However, both Jackson and Tara have secrets and those secrets could very well end their romance before it begins.

Okay, I admit it. Jackson Stone is my favorite brother, edging out his twin by just a smidgen. His story made my heart ache and paired with someone like Tara, who has been a part of this series from the beginning and whose own back story was heartrending, it was as if fate was merely waiting for their paths to finally cross. How could you not want to give the guy a shoulder to lean on after the treatment he got from his estranged brothers, but I loved how everything played out and kudos to the Kincaid women--Samantha Kincaid, Katrina Kincaid, and Sarah Robins--for having a bit more sense than their husbands and fiancĂ©. I already loved the Dirty Sexy trilogy, but the new five-plus-starred Dirty Sexy Sinner easily clinched a spot for what this now foursome on my list of 2016 favorite series. ♥

P.S. If you happen to be a fan of author Ella Frank's, keep an eye out for two familiar characters from one her most beloved series in this Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde series ender. I personally haven't read their story yet but the series is already on my to-be-read list. I'm somewhat familiar with them, thanks to the appearances they've made in two spin-off series, so I actually gave a bit of a squee of delight when I came across the two in Dirty Sexy Sinner.


Read my reviews for the Dirty Sexy series:

Dirty Sexy Saint (book one) - five stars - My Review

Dirty Sexy Inked (book two) - five stars - My Review

Dirty Sexy Cuffed (book three) - five stars - My Review

Dirty Sexy Sinner (book four) - five-plus stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 08 November 2016

Date Read: 07 November 2016

Learn more about Carly Phillips & Erika Wilde.

Purchase Dirty Sexy Sinner on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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