Review: Wanting My Stepsister by Alexa Riley

Note: This ARC was provided by ARdent PRose in exchange for an honest review.

Wanting My Stepsister is the latest novella from bestselling author Alexa Riley, and I confess that it's probably one of my top favorites from the author so far. It's the story of stepsiblings Jasper Lewis and Libby Moore, whose parents married half a decade again, tying Jasper and Libby in ways that they both love and loathe. You see, they've been in love with one another from the moment they met, but neither one has any clue about how the other feels, believing that their less than familial feelings are one-sided and very much taboo. Being around his stepsister becomes tortuous for Jasper and he decides to move away from home, limiting his visits over the next three years. But one phone call from his father has twenty-one-year-old Jasper rushing back. Libby may now be eighteen and ready to date, and hey may have to keep denying his feelings for her, but there's no possible way that Jasper could ever allow another guy to get close to her. What will it take for Jasper to finally let Libby know he loves her? If they do confess their feelings, will they end up breaking up the one and only family they've ever had?

I've read a lot of taboo romances that involve stepsiblings, with majority of them heavy and emotional reads. This novella is probably the most lighthearted approach to the subject matter that I've come across and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There was a teeny bit of angst because let's admit it, falling in love with a sibling, even if it is someone you're tied to by marriage alone, isn't exactly the easiest of things to deal with. Both Jasper and Libby also happen to be fairly young, with Libby barely being eighteen and Jasper just three years older, but these two had that mix of innocence and sexual curiosity that made for a really enticing pairing. Their story surprised me in terms of how things played out. Like I said, I'm used to angst and drama when it comes to stories like this one, but Alexa Riley spun this in both a playful and a poignant way, which I quite appreciated. While the author is known for insta-love stories, this certainly wasn't one, what with Libby and Jasper having had feelings for quite a while, and even with its shorter length, you get a complete romance with Wanting My Stepsister. I'm giving this one five out of five stars. ♥

Release Date: 16 November 2016

Date Read: 15 November 2016

Learn more about Alexa Riley.

Purchase Wanting My Stepsister on Amazon.


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