Review: Twice Upon a Time by Hope Irving (Black Angel Book #1)

Note: This ebook was provided by InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

French-American Rose Perry moves to Provincetown, Massachusetts to try and move forward with her life. While attending a class on calligraphy, she is intrigued by one of the instructors, Virgil Blake. She's torn between needing to be close and wanting to keep her distance. But the reason she's so drawn to Virgil could be something Rose has never considered and may find unbelievable. Virgil and Rose are soulmates, having been tied when Virgil was once an Irish monk and calligrapher named Morgann and Rose was Deirdre, a witch, back in the ninth century. Their story didn't have a happy ending. Instead, it's become an urban legend known as the Black Angel Book. With Deirdre casting a spell that has their souls needing to find one another in order for it to be broken. But there's a catch. Morgann has never forgotten who he and Deirdre were; Deirdre, however, has never remembered anything.

This was an interesting paranormal romance, with original elements in terms of story and it's the intrigue that had me flipping from one page to the next. There were times that the story did drag, leading it to be a longer read than necessary. It also ends in a cliffhanger, which I tend to not be a fan of since I'm not exactly known for being patient when it comes to waiting for the sequel. However, the second book already is available, so the ball--or the book--is in my court and it's a matter of finding the time to read it. But yes, I do hope to be able to find out what happens next with Morgann and Deirdre--or Virgil and Rose--and if they'll finally come together the way the should have all those centuries ago or if they're bound to remain apart (since there are supposed to be two more books to come). I think Twice Upon a Time is Hope Irving's debut work, and its originality and creativity earn it four out of five stars. ♥

Date Read: 11 November 2016

Learn more about Hope Irving.

Purchase Twice Upon a Time on Amazon.


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