Review: Innocent Ride by Chelsea Camaron (Hellions Ride #5)

Note: This ebook was provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Innocent Ride is the fifth book in the MC romance series from bestselling author Chelsea Camaron, Hellions Ride, and one that I've been itching to read since the story line between thirty-three-year-old Drexel "Rex" Crews, VP of the Hellions MC's Catawba chapter, and twenty-five-year-old Caroline Milton, corporate accountant. These two are as opposite as you could get: the naughty leather-wearing guy who had a different woman whenever he wanted and the nice business suit-clad gal who was as put together as one would expect. Rex called Caroline the deluxe model, the kind of woman that was a cut above everyone else, earning her the nickname of "Lux", but he knew she didn't belong in his world, not when she seemed to turn up her nose on the Hellions. But Caroline has secrets she's been keeping, secrets that she's afraid will make everyone around her see that she's nothing more than a fraud, someone who is nothing more than a wannabe. Rex says all he wants is for them to be friends, but he wants Lux in a way unlike any other before. Can he convince her to take a chance on the ride of a lifetime with a Hellion?

Redemption--that's what this book was about, at least in my eyes. I've been reading the series one book after the other, and I must confess that it didn't have that great of a start. However, by the third book, things were looking up and my expectations have slowly ticked up and, thankfully, been met so far. So, not only has the series redeemed itself over the past three books, Rex and Caroline have also redeemed themselves with this one. We learn more about Caroline and while she may look like this poised and put-together woman, she's been through her share of hellish experiences. Rex's redemption began with book three, after discovering the existence of his son, Axel, but because book three and four overlap in terms of timeline, it's actually an ongoing kind of redemption. As far as Caroline's is concerned, she had certain preconceived notions and I'm glad she came down a peg or two from what I believed was her high horse. This one felt like it had more suspense to it and I certainly more than appreciated that. All in all, Innocent Ride was a satisfying 4.5-starred read and I look forward to book six. ♥

Date Read: 07 November 2016

Learn more about Chelsea Camaron.

Purchase Innocent Ride on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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