Review: Halo by R.C. Stephens

Note: This ARC was provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

I’m so screwed where Ryder St. John is concerned. He’s made the ache of losing Thomas easier. He’s also made me realize that I can move on without Thomas. The thought scares me…

I love how I've been fortunate to have read at least one fantastic book since this new month started, and the latest one for this third day of November is my first ever R.C. Stephens novel, Halo. This was the story of Halo Pearson, who met the love of her life at sixteen, married him at nineteen, but five years later, Thomas Wells has left her pregnant and alone, carrying their first child. She hasn't heard from him since he returned to his deployment as a SEAL, and even though they may be divorced, Halo wants Thomas to have a role in the life of their baby. When she goes into labor and gives birth prematurely to baby Brandon, she unexpectedly meets Ryder St. John, an injured SEAL who intrigues her. He's suffering from amnesia as well as trying to heal from his injuries, and they seem to be kindred spirits, meant to find one another just at the point in their lives where they're both undoubtedly feeling lost and alone. Being around Ryder makes Halo feel as if the chance to move forward with her life is an actual possibility, but that would mean having to finally let go of her first love, Thomas. Could Ryder be Halo's last love?

This was such a beautiful love story, one that teaches you that love is at times tested but if it's the truest kind of love, then it will prevail in the end, making the sacrifices and heartache worthwhile. I loved Halo. She was independent and resilient, refusing to wallow and prepared to get back to doing whatever was necessary in order to have the kind of life she and her son Brandon deserved. Her love story with Thomas is told in flashbacks, and the story is told form three different points of view: Halo's, Thomas's, and Ryder's. My heart went out to each of them, because it was clear that they had burdens weighing them down. Halo was, indeed, the strongest of the three, making her one of my favorite female main characters so far this year. Don't ask me, though, who I would choose between Thomas and Ryder. That would be an overly complicated conversation, and you'll get why when you read this fantastic romance. And yes, I'm keeping things very vague; you'll thank me later. I'm giving Halo five-plus stars. ♥

Date Read: 03 November 2016

Learn more about R.C. Stephens.

Purchase Halo on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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