Review: Drifter by Janet Infante Bosco (Nomad #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by IndieSage PR in exchange for an honest review.

Drifter is the first novel in author Janine Infante Bosco's new MC romance series, Nomad, which features nomad bikers who are recruited and brought in to become part of the Brooklyn charter of the Satan's Knights motorcycle club, and it begins with Chase Kincaid, a former Marine who was the only member of his team to have survived an ambush turned biker with the road name of Stryker with a different charter of Satan's Knights MC. He chooses to become a nomad after yet another failed attempt to rescue his mother from an abusive home life, but he's later brought in, along with several other nomads to the Brooklyn charter. Stryker tries to not form any connections with other members of his club and he doesn't have any sort of relationship with the women he sleeps with. But then he meets an intriguing woman named Gina and as much as he tries to keep his distance, from the moment they're breathing the same air, there's no breaking the connection that's formed. But Gina isn't some regular female. She's Gina Spinelli and her ties to a specific mob family add a layer of complication Stryker could never have anticipated.

The first half of the book dragged a bit and there was more than one time where I felt as if I was missing vital information or that I should have known something but didn't. By the time I got the end of the book, I realized that several of the older members of the Satan's Knights MC's stories were already told in another of the author's series, but since this is my first read from the author, I'm not entirely sure if everything ties in. There was also all this back and forth going on between Stryker and Gina. But once the second half of the book rolled along--everything post explosion--the action picked up and the pacing felt as if it was bumped up a notch or two. There was also far more emotion-driven moments here, especially when it came to Gina. It's during this second half that both Stryker and Gina are forced to make certain choices that affect them as individuals and as a possible couple. I also liked the fact that the other nomads got my attention in the latter half, making me want to learn more about them as the series rolls on. All things considered, I'm giving Nomad series starter Drifter 4.5 stars out of five stars. ♥

Date Read: 16 November 2016

Learn more about Janine Infante Bosco.

Purchase Drifter on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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