Review: The Cowboy and the Pencil-Pusher by S.C. Wynne

Note: This ARC was provided by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

The Cowboy and the Pencil-Pusher is a standalone M/M romance and the latest release from author S.C. Wynne. It's the story of Paul Smith, who works in his family's mortgage firm and is all about numbers and figures and the financial bottom line, and Cort Callahan, a cowboy working on his grandfather's ranch which is in financial straits, forcing his grandfather to miss five months' worth of mortgage payments to Paul's family's firm. Paul's father, who instilled in him straightforward business know-how, using his head in all business decisions, has a health scare that makes him see the proverbial light. This inspires him to be more benevolent, using a bit of heart when looking at each client's case, and giving them the opportunity to dig themselves out of whatever financial hole they're in...which leads the offer to help Cort and his grandfather out. If they say yes to turning the space into a dude ranch, it could become a far more profitable endeavor and help them pay off their debts. Agreeing to it would mean Cort and Paul working closely together. The connection's there, but nothing could ever come from it...right?

I admit it: I wasn't a fan of Paul's during the first few chapters in the book. He came off as a high maintenance guy who was kinda heartless. Yes, I get that that's how he was trained by his father to do business, but no one can take away your ability to empathize if it's already there. But he did grow on me and turned out to be a nice guy who was honest about his opinions. Now, in the case of Cort, he had the whole "good ol' cowboy" thing going, but the whole thing with Riley (his first love turned occasional hookup) bothered me because the guy was married for heaven's sake and Cort took what he could even though he know for a fact that the asshat had a wife. Essentially, Cort and Paul were men who wanted to make their grandfather and father, respectively, proud of them, and at their very core, they were good men. While they did have that spark of attraction from the beginning, there wasn't any insta-love going on. I appreciated that the author took the time to build upon a friendship that we see flourishing into more. All in all, The Cowboy and the Pencil-Pusher proved to be a good read. This garners four stars. ♥

Date Read: 10 November 2016

Learn more about S.C. Wynne.

Purchase The Cowboy and the Pencil-Pusher on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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