Review: Scandalous Prince by Rachel Van Dyken (Mafia Royals #2)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

"One day," I whispered, my accent thicker than usual. "I will have you, Violet Abandonato, and it will be my name you scream... not his."

Consider me (im)properly scandalized, and in the best damn way possible! Just when you think she couldn't possible outdo herself, Rachel Van Dyken does exactly that. Royal Bully got the ball rolling, and Ruthless Princess ensured that readers like me were very much hooked. But Scandalous Prince? I am beyond words. Like I lost count of the number times I paused in the middle of reading this book with my jaw dropping because I was just so gobsmacked. GOB. SMACKED. So, fair warning: I'm going to be super cryptic with this review. I don't want to give away details and I sure as heck don't want to be all spoilery for everyone out there who has been eagerly awaiting the release of this novel!

Breaker Campisi swore he would protect Violet Abandonato, not merely because that was what he was tasked to do by Violet's powerful father, but because this girl owned him--heart, mind, body, and soul. He would sacrifice himself in order to ensure that she was safe from an sort of evil that lay in wait. What she didn't know was that the greatest threat was far closer than she could have ever imagined. When she learns the truth, walking away from him is inevitable, but what is also inevitable is the fact that he knows that she belongs by his side, and if getting rid of the greatest impediment to his having her completely is what it will take, then so be it. He'll take her hate if it means he has her.

Oh, Breaker, Breaker, Breaker... The guy broke my heart. I mean, he did patch it back together, a tad haphazardly but enough for it to start beating again. The prologue set me on edge, and everything that followed, well, suffice it to say that I was floored time and again. I don't want to give too much away, so I'm going to give readers of this book some advice: First, block off time for this book, and I mean, make sure there are no distractions and that all you'll be doing is reading all about Rachel Van Dyken's dear scandalous prince. Second, hang on tight because you're in for one heck of an unforgettable ride. It'll be bumpy and twisty, but oh-so-worth ALL OF IT. Scandalous Prince earns five-plus stars.


Read my reviews for the Mafia Royals series:

Royal Bully (prequel) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Ruthless Princess (book one) - five stars - My Review

Scandalous Prince (book two) - five-plus stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 22 September 2020

Date Read: 20 September 2020

Learn more about Rachel Van Dyken.

Pre-order Scandalous Prince on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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