Book Spotlight: Road to You by Jaclyn Quinn

Road to You
(Beyond the Cove #5)
by Jaclyn Quinn
Date Released: September 8, 2020

About Road to You
Parker Wilson has the life he’s always wanted: an apartment in Brighton Pier, amazing family and friends, and a job he loves. With the invitation to his childhood best friend’s engagement party, the safe haven he’s created around himself is soon flooded with memories of the past. The roadblock he’s taken years detouring soon becomes a reality he can no longer avoid. After six years, Parker will have to see Sarah’s brother again—the only man he’s ever truly loved.

After running away from the truth and moving to Boston, Jason Maxwell must finally face Parker again—and the guilt he’s felt for leaving Parker all those years ago. After confronting the man who changed everything Jason thought he knew about himself, Jason realizes the miles he’s put between them hasn’t diminished what Parker means to him. Now, with the undeniable way he feels about Parker, Jason is determined to finally make things right.

Can a second chance finally land Jason and Parker on the path to happiness they’ve waited years for, or will they discover the final destination is actually the end of the road?

Trigger Warning: This book contains a scene with some violence. It's suggested to the reader to skip the prologue if this is triggering.

Read my four-starred review of Road to You.

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An Excerpt from Road to You
Parker glanced down at Jason’s hand grasping his forearm then lifted brutal, cold eyes back up, pinning Jason where he stood. Abruptly, Jason let go but stepped in between Parker and the door. “Please, can we talk? Just for a minute?” Had he ever felt so terrified and desperate in his entire life?

“You’re about six years too late to talk,” Parker deadpanned.

“I know. I’m so sorry, Parker. I never should have done that.”

“You made that pretty obvious in that letter—if a few pathetic sentences could even count as a letter. So, if that’s all you have to say, don’t worry. I got that extremely loud and painfully clear.” 

Jason sidestepped again to block Parker from leaving, his bigger frame making Parker look up. Jason’s body thrummed being this close to him, catching him off guard. Everything about this day wasn’t what he’d expected.  “No, I mean I never should’ve left you there.” Holy shit, this was spiraling out of control. He’d wanted to apologize but, instead, desperation clawed as he tried to keep Parker right here with him. “I...I got—”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ve moved on. I’m not the same person you left in North Carolina. I had an incredibly long and eye-opening bus ride back to Jersey, and I left all that other shit behind.” He waved his hand in front of Jason with disgust. “So, this whole apology is a waste of time. We’ll smile our smiles for Sarah and then go our separate ways again. Don’t worry about me. Don’t think about me. I stopped thinking about you a long time ago—the second you cut me out of your life without a backward glance.” The harsh glare Parker pinned him with made Jason swallow the lump forming in his throat. 

As Parker pushed past him to go back into the restaurant, Jason’s heart thundered: for the words just said, for the words left unsaid, and most of all because he still knew Parker Wilson better than Parker wanted him to.

And he knew when Parker was lying.

About Jaclyn Quinn
I have been an artist from a very young age. From drawing cartoon characters and evolving into portraits, making jewelry, photography, and now writing. I have an amazing support system in my family and friends and couldn’t be more grateful.

I live in central New Jersey, love summers at the Jersey Shore, rock music, wine, sexy men, and laughing a lot with my amazing friends and family. Sunday dinners at my parents’ house are crazy, hysterical and you can count on a movie quote…or ten…being thrown out. Insults between siblings is how we show our love for each other!

When I’m not creating, you can find me reading books from my favorite authors. I’m a hopeless romantic, starving for passionate characters and always craving that happy ending, whether in reading or in writing my own books.

Connect with Jaclyn


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