Review: The Wreckage of Us by Brittainy Cherry

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by Montlake.

When I found out that Brittainy Cherry had a book slated for release with Montlake, I confess that I was rather thrilled. One of my favorite authors publishing a book with one of my favorite publishers? Yes, please! The Wreckage of Us is the story of Ian Parker and Hazel Stone. When she's kicked out of her home by her stepfather, Hazel finds refuge in an abandoned shed on the property belonging to Ian's grandfather. Deciding she deserves better than squatting in the shed, Ian offers her refuge in his spare room. The lure of a warm bed and Ian's comforting presence override whatever hesitation Hazel may have. The connection they share is undeniable, and she can imagine sharing all her tomorrows with him. Then Fate throws a curve ball, leaving her to care for her mother's baby. The last thing she wants is to hold Ian back, even if all Hazel has left is the wreckage of them.

Brittainy Cherry knows how to tug at my heartstrings. Her characters always get their happily-ever-after but she does make them work for it. As my Dad likes to remind me, people who work for what they have have a better appreciation for it. Ian and Hazel's story has angst--of course it does!--but there isn't any unnecessary drama that distracts from it. Yes, there are points in their personal and joint histories where they experience challenges and hurdles, but that's all part and parcel of what makes their journey a notable one. Then there are the supporting characters who made their mark, pushing the story forward without being spotlight hogs. That being said, I'm wishing we haven't seen the last of certain characters. Dare I hope that The Wreckage of Us becomes a jump-off point for a new series from Cherry? Fingers crossed. Either way, this book gets five stars.

Date Read: 06 August 2020

Learn more about Brittainy Cherry.

Purchase The Wreckage of Us on Amazon.


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