Review: Will & Patrick's Endless Honeymoon by Leta Blake (Wake Up Married #7)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

I adored reading the co-authored six-part serial Wake Up Married last year. William Patterson and Patrick McCloud's love story was off-beat and had me grinning from ear-to-ear the whole time. Now, Leta Blake is flying solo as she give fans and readers the seventh episode, Will & Patrick's Endless Honeymoon. Two years in and Will and Patrick are still very much married and very much in love. Save for the occasional--cough, constant, cough--calls from his mother that make it seem as if the world as she knows it as about to end--though maybe that IS how she views everything--life has been a dream for the couple that just woke up one morning married to each other. They're days away from finally taking their honeymoon. Ten days of being incommunicado and as far away as they can get from the gossip in Healing, North Dakota, nurses that Patrick want fired, and family members and friends with waaay too much drama sounds like a dream for both Will and Patrick. However, they're going to have to leave North Dakota first, and if they do make it to their honeymoon, is there any guarantee it's going to stay drama-free?

This twosome is as quirky as ever, but they desperately need a honeymoon. Heck, they just need to get away from everything on their home turf and get some much needed rest and relaxation. I'm not going to say where their honeymoon is at. I'm going all Patrick and keeping it a secret. However, there's a surprise or two (or three) that knocks them for a loop once they get there (and yes, they do make it to their destination, but that's all I'm divulging). This seventh episode brought a resolution of sorts to a part of Will's past, and it was a resolution that I didn't see coming, but somehow it worked (though that may make me sound callous once you find out what it is). There's a lot of worked-up on the end of some familiar people, but there's also actual drama and a hint of angst that gives pause to Will and Patrick, though more the former than the latter. The two also make a decision regarding their future, and I'm curious to see if the author has future episodes focusing on that decision and the changes they'll be going through. Will & Patrick's Endless Honeymoon was a surprise release but a 4.5-starred one! ♥


Read my reviews for the Wake Up Married series:

 Will & Patrick Wake Up Married Serial (episodes one to six) - five-plus stars - My Review
Will & Patrick's Endless Honeymoon (episode seven) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 04 December 2017

Date Read: 04 December 2017

Learn more about Leta Blake.

Purchase Will & Patrick's Endless Honeymoon on Amazon.


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