Review: Ballerina Dad by Amy Aislin

Note: This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Are you looking for something cute to read this holiday season? Are you in the market for a story that will reiterate the existence of true love coming around when the time is right? Well, stop the searching because I do believe I've found it in Amy Aislin's latest novella. What do you get when you put together a single gay ballet teacher and a bisexual professional hockey player slash divorced father of a precocious girl who thinks her ballet teacher is the best thing since sparkles and tutus? Well, you get Ballerina Dad, which is sweet and sappy in all the best ways possible. This was as feel-good as you could get, and because the holidays are upon us, this was a fab holiday read.

Pat Barnes and Lee Harte were fifteen when they first met in high school. They were unlikely friends who had the kind of connection that couldn't be explained by common interests or similar backgrounds. They went to different schools and while their paths would cross every now and again, it was as if the timing was never right for them to explore the something more they always knew they could have. Fast forward seventeen years from the time they met. Patrick Barnes is one of the best in the sport of pro hockey, playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs; Ashley Harte is a ballet teacher who just happens to have a four-and-a-half-year-old student named Jordan Barnes. Pat never expected that the "Ash" his daughter was raving about was the very same guy he never forgot. Could the time finally be right for the ballet teacher and his student's ballerina dad to see if their friendship will lead to far more?

This was a truly sweet read, one with barely any angst at all. And yes, even an angst addict like myself can appreciate a book that isn't filled with drama. I finished this book in one sitting and in less than an hour's time, and yet it left me in a heck of a good mood afterwards, one that I carried with me for the rest of my afternoon. Pat and Lee had the kind of friendship that couldn't be brought down by years or distance apart, and I know how that goes because I have that kind of friendship with a select few. Sometimes, you just click with certain people, and that's how it was for both of them. Of course, they also always knew that, if given the right time and one chance, they'd click in a more intimate way. Ballerina Dad answers the "what ifs" seventeen years in the making. It gets five stars. ♥

Release Date: 11 December 2017

Date Read: 10 December 2017

Learn more about Amy Aislin.

Purchase Ballerina Dad on NineStar Press | Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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