Book Spotlight: Leaning Into a Wish by Lane Hayes

Leaning Into a Wish
(Leaning Into #5)
by Lane Hayes
Date Released: November 20, 2017

About Leaning Into a Wish
Ryan Haskell loves everything about the wine business. He’s fortunate to work at one of the most prestigious wineries in Napa Valley doing something he enjoys with the people who are like family to him. But he could do without the good-natured intern slash former jock with the wicked grin who always seems to be in the way. Ryan isn’t sure why the new guy is under his skin when everyone else loves him. Thankfully he’ll be gone after the holidays.

Danny Meyers can’t believe his luck when he lands an internship at Conrad Winery. It’s the perfect temporary gig to wrap up his graduate studies. He’s left his dreams of tennis stardom on the court to focus on a new career and a new life. However, he didn’t count on the spark of attraction he feels for his prickly co-worker. When their tentative friendship blossoms into something more than either man counted on, they may have to change direction and lean into a holiday wish.

Read my five-plus-starred review of Leaning Into a Wish.

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An Excerpt from Leaning Into a Wish
I rolled my eyes then turned toward the bar area set up outside on the terrace. And immediately ran into Danny. I frowned and glanced back into the kitchen, wondering if Geordie somehow set this up. 

“How’d you get out here so fast? I thought I saw you inside a second ago.”

“Keeping tabs on me? I’m flattered.”

“Don’t be. I’m on a refill mission.” I held up the empty glasses in my hand in case he needed proof. “Excuse me.”

“Ah. That’s important. Hey, be ready at nine a.m. tomorrow. We can use the courts at your condo complex. I’ll bring an extra racket and balls. You bring you.” Danny grinned before stepping aside to let me pass. 

“Wait a sec. How do you know where I live?”

“I followed you home, memorized your license plate number, wire-tapped your place—nice boxer briefs, by the way—and rummaged through your trash. I’m gonna recommend you eat less Nutella. Too much of a good thing can end up being bad for you.” 

He pursed his lips and held my stare. The intensity was overwhelming and so was he. Yeah, I figured he was messing with me, but the fact he got even a few things correct was disconcerting. 

“How do you—”

Danny threw his head back and guffawed. The hearty sound rang through the terrace, garnering a few curious glances our way. “Dude, I was kidding. But…I do know where you live. See you on the court. And Ry?”


“Don’t be late.” He winked before turning on his heel and heading inside. 

I watched him through the open doorway. The contrast of standing in the dark while peering into the well-lit house made me feel like a voyeur. I couldn’t tear my gaze from him. Straight or gay or whatever he was, Danny was fucking hot. And when a sexy man who moved like a panther casually brought up your underwear preference…it did things to a guy. It made me want to do things to him too.

About Lane Hayes
Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men. Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in an almost empty nest.

Connect with Lane

A Q&A with Lane Hayes
1. After fifteen books, your sixteenth one is your first ever holiday novella. What inspired you to write Leaning Into a Wish, and why did you decide to release this first holiday book as part of this particular series? 

Leaning Into a Wish was a whimsical decision. I hadn’t planned on it at all. However, I love holiday novellas and as I’ve delved deeper into the Leaning Into world, I became interested in the lives of some of the secondary characters. Ryan first appears in Leaning Into the Fall but he isn’t particularly likeable in that book. I was drawn back to him because I knew there had to be a story for him when Wes assured Nick that Ryan was a good guy. I couldn’t let it go. LOL. Leaning Into a Wish isn’t my first holiday short though. I have a few short stories for Matt and Aaron from Better Than Good on my blog. There’s even a holiday one! 

2. If you were Santa Claus and you had to double check your lists, who among the Leaning Into guys would be on the naughty list and who would on the nice one?

Fun question!!! I would say Geordie is a bit on the naughty side, in a good way. Geordie is mischievous, sassy and full of life. He’s been a secondary in a couple books (Leaning Into the Fall and Leaning Into a Wish) but he’ll get his own story eventually. I’d put Finn (Leaning Into Touch) on that list too. The “nice” guy award would go to Eric and Josh. They’re both easy-going, good-natured types who try to do their best for the people they love.  

3. If you had the power to make and grant one wish for each of the Leaning Into couples, what would those wishes be?

Let’s see… 
Leaning Into Love/Leaning Into Always: I’d wish Eric and Zane smooth sailing as a married couple. 
Leaning Into the Fall: I’d wish Nick and Wes the gift of patience and understanding. Wes will need it. LOL
Leaning Into Touch: I wish Finn and Josh a beautiful life filled with family and laughter.
Leaning Into a Wish: I’m so happy Ryan found someone as special as Danny to love. I wish them peace, joy and happiness together. 

4. With quite a few authors pairing up and working on new projects, who would your dream writing partner be? Which two authors do you wish would pair up together to write a book?

Never say never, but honestly, I’m not in a hurry to pair up with another author. I’m so protective of my writing process that I’m not sure I’d share my characters well. LOL. There are so many authors I love and respect in this genre though. You never know, I might change my mind.  

5. Your name is up next on Santa's list, and the elves are ready to gather things for him to bring for you. What three things are you most hoping to find waiting for you come Christmas morning?

A new pair of pjs, a trip to anywhere my heart desires and ideally, world peace. I’ll settle for the pjs though. LOL

6. What do you wish for most this coming new year as wife, as a mother, and as an author?

Growth. Last year, I entered the self-pub world for the first time and I’ve learned so much from the experience. I hope to find new ways to reach a broader audience. Romance is hope and I’m sure that’s something we could all use. The same principle applies in my personal life. Embracing change and taking risks are crucial to growth. Whether it’s through work, school or travel…make it happen!

7. What is your holiday message for all your fans and readers?

I wish you the happiest of holidays, filled with laughter, hope and love…and a never ending supply of amazing books to brighten your new year. Happy Holidays!

Thank you so much for having me here today! 

Happy Reading and Happy Holidays, 

Lane Hayes xo


Thank you to Lane Hayes for taking the time to answer my questions and to Michelle Slagan for facilitating.

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