Review: On the Third Kiss by George Loveland

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

On the Third Kiss is a novella written by George Loveland, and it's my first read from this particular author. This M/M holiday story has a friends-to-lovers feel to it, with Sebastian Bennett and Javier Reyes-Martinez, who are good friends but I wouldn't necessarily call them bosom buddies or the kind that know nearly everything about each other. Sebastian works as Donna Tracy, a drag queen who performs with aplomb at the pub Javier manages. Sebastian is looking forward to spending his Christmas holiday with his long-time boyfriend, but returns home to find that the man he thought loved him above all else has upped and left to spend their planned vacation with someone else. As he unearths even more of his boyfriend's deception, Sebastian finds a pillar of support in Javier, who would do almost anything for him. As Sebastian and Javier become even closer friends, Sebastian begins to see Javier in a whole new light. They even share a couple of kisses. His dog Buster is smitten as is the rest of Sebastian's family, but a kiss or two could be nothing more than platonic affection, not the beginning of a romantic relationship. But a third kiss could well seal the deal.

The holidays tend to be far busier for many of us, but if you're like me, and you simply need to read at least one book a day or you find yourself with some free time and want to squeeze in a quickie read? Well, Loveland's On the Third Kiss may fit the bill. I liked that the main characters were already friends but not super close. Their relationship seemed to be centered more around work than anything else, meaning they didn't exactly hang out on a regular basis. So, seeing their friendship develop after Sebastian's boyfriend not only cheats on him but takes his money without his knowledge made for a sweet and satisfying read. Javier clearly had a thing for his friend, but with Sebastian being in a relationship, I doubt that the guy actually noticed if someone was interested in him. Aside from these two men, the story also has a good cast of supporting characters--from those in the Trafalgar, the pub where Javier and Sebastian work, and Sebastian's family and his pet Chihuahua--that added a healthy dose of humor. With this being an ARC, I've got my fingers crossed that the editing issues I noticed were taken care of. That being said, On the Third Kiss gets four stars. ♥

Date Read: 05 December 2017

Learn more about George Loveland.

Purchase On the Third Kiss on Amazon.


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