Review: No Limits by Nora Phoenix (No Shame #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Michelle Slagan in exchange for an honest review.

No Limits picks up soon after where No Filter leaves off, but this time around, the main focus of the book are Joshua Gordon and Ignatius O'Connor, better known as Josh and Connor, respectively. Josh is a military veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and the fact that his two roommates have changed their threesome into an exclusive twosome still has him unsure about how to react. When the cop he first met during an attempted robbery at a convenience store shows up and expresses his interest in him, Josh isn't entirely sure what to make of Connor. He didn't even know the guy was gay, but it seems that he is except he's very much in the closet. While he's at a loss as to how to make a go of anything with Josh, there's something about the emotionally wounded man that calls to Connor's protective side. However, just when there appears to be some hope for them to have a relationship, it looks like Connor's past could cause very real problems for one of Josh's closest friends--someone Josh has been intimate with. Are Josh and Connor  limited to a temporary thing or could they possibly have more?

I'm glad I decided to listen to my gut and read this second in a series. I confess that the first book left me wanting, and not in an entirely great way. However, book two feels like it's got firmer footing, like it has an idea of what direction it wants to go in. That doesn't mean that it doesn't veer off at times--it does, but the author manages to get back on-course. Also, if you read the first book (and you should read it before venturing into this second one), we do get certain answers with regards to Indy Baldwin's past. And remember the threesome that went on with Josh, Indy, and Josh's best friend, Noah Flint? Well...things get...MORE interesting here. Aaand I'm leaving it at that. Basically, what I'm saying here is that, I was much happier with this book than I was with its predecessor. Did it still need some tweaking? Yes, it did. Any issues I had with the editing, I'm going to keep to myself, what with this being an advanced reader copy, but, naturally, I hope that those were addressed prior to it finally being released into the world. However, No Limits is the book that has me curious as to what happens next, so I'm giving this one 3.5 stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the No Shame series:

No Filter (book one) - three stars - My Review

No Limits (book two) - 3.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 03 December 2017

Learn more about Nora Phoenix.

Purchase No Limits on Amazon.


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