Review: In Case of Emergency by Keira Andrews

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

When Daniel Diaz receives a phone call regarding a Nicholas Smith being in an accident, it takes a while for him to connect the unfamiliar name with one he hadn't thought about in a decade--Cole Smith, his stepbrother for all of the few months Daniel's mother and Cole's father were married. Tasked to watch over Cole to assess the young man's concussion and help him with his broken hand, Daniel has no choice but to take his former stepbrother with him on a pre-planned romantic getaway with his maybe-future boyfriend. But it looks like Cole isn't the only unexpected addition to the mix, and Daniel's holidays are about to go from changing his cadence to noticing just how much the kid he barely knew and acknowledged has changed and done quite a bit of growing up in ten years.

It's been a little over a year since I first discovered Keira Andrews's writing, and I've been hooked ever since. I know this isn't her first holiday story, but this is the first one from her that I've read, and now it's got me all curious as to what her other holiday books are like! Now, I haven't made a secret of my disillusionment with the whole stepsibling trope, HOWEVER, I confess that if a go-to author of mine takes a stab at it, my curiosity gets the better of me. Sometimes, I regret it; this time around, I'm happy to tell you that I have no regrets whatsoever. Andrews has delivered a story that doesn't have the usual stepsiblings having some sort of secret longing for one another and then fearing the ramifications of becoming involved. This one is super light on angst and super high on squee.

Daniel and Cole were eighteen and thirteen, respectively, while their parents were married for all of six months. Since then, Daniel has made no effort to keep tabs on Cole, but the impression Daniel made on Cole was life-changing in ways the older boy is clueless about until one call has them crossing paths once again. I appreciated the awkwardness between the two of them in the first couple of chapters of the story. Who wouldn't be awkward if it's been that long since you last saw one another, what more to be in close quarters with the guy you crushed on (in Cole's case) and the guy you basically ignored (in Daniel's case). The fact that Daniel wasn't exactly looking forward to having to play guardian to Cole added to the realism of the situation, and made it far more interesting.

This is a quick read but it had a slow burn romance feel to it. Does that sound weird? Well, let's just say that Daniel and Cole didn't go realizing they had been in love with each other all this time and then jump into bed together, okay? Other than that, all I'm going to tell you is that this was one of the highlights of my reading week, what with Christmas being three and a half weeks away and that adorably added touch of geekiness (Star Wars forever!). If you're itching to get your hands on a well-written holiday romance that isn't going to saddle you with too much unnecessary drama or gratuitous sex, I'm recommending you give Keira Andrews's newest novella a whirl. Think of In Case of Emergency as the book you need to get a hold of in case of a reading rut. This one easily gets five stars. ♥

Date Read: 30 November 2017

Learn more about Keira Andrews.

Purchase In Case of Emergency on Amazon.


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