Review: Cruising by Cate Ashwood

Note: This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I'm beginning to become addicted to Cate Ashwood's bite-sized romances that leave me even more sated than some of the full-length love stories I've come across this year. With her newest one, Ashwood gives readers a friends-to-lovers romance that's about ten years' worth of friendship, one grand gesture, and three simple words.

Don't let that title fool you! Cruising isn't about guys going to places where they can be on the look out for a hook-up or two. Think more literal in that the main characters, Dylan and Jake, are on a cruise to Alaska. And if you think Alaska doesn't sound like such a romantic place, you'll get why it actually is when you read this sweet little novella.

When Dylan gets a call from his best friend Jake to pack his bags and spend a week with him on a cruise that he's just won, both the company and the destination have Dylan saying yes. But will seven days in constant and close proximity to the guy he's been in love with for a decade spell the end of their friendship or the start of even more?

In less than fifty pages, the author has managed to give me a complete story that establishes just how strong of a friendship Dylan and Jake have and whatever secrets they may be hiding from each other. I liked how everything played out, and that Ashwood kept things sweet and simple. Cruising gets five stars. Did I mention it's totally free? ♥

Release Date: 08 December 2017

Date Read: 07 December 2017

Learn more about Cate Ashwood.

Download Cruising for free on Instafreebie.


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