Review: Close Quarters by Kandi Steiner

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Valentine PR.

Kandi Steiner's latest release is a whole lot of romance with a sprinkling of suspense, and it made for some really great reading on my end. Close Quarters is the story of Aspen Dawn, a twenty-two-year-old recent college graduate and aspiring photographer, and Theo Whitman, a thirty-three-year-old billionaire who was a college dropout that create Envizion, the top database management system in the country. Theo just happens to be Aspen's boyfriend's boss, so when he offers Aspen the opportunity of a lifetime to join him alongside her boyfriend and the rest of the crew of his yacht in exchange for her to take photographs of him and his guests, she's shocked but appreciates the opportunity. The more time together, the more it's clear that Theo sees the girl behind the camera lens--he sees her. They're drawn to each other...but what will acting on it possibly cost them?

Confession time: I'm not a huge fan of billionaire romances, and when it comes to love triangles, I require more than the whole cheating angle. Thankfully, this is Kandi Steiner we're talking about here, so I had high hopes that I wasn't going to get the usual sort of broody, alpha-type guy needing to dominate everything. Theo truly was a surprise, turning out to be nothing like the typical billionaire in this particular trope. He was really quite refreshing, and the biggest reason why this book was as good a read as it was. Now, that doesn't mean that Aspen was chopped liver; she was someone whose growth and development I enjoyed bearing witness to. She came into her own, strengthening her belief in herself and what she was capable of doing. The suspense aspect was that bit which added zing and took things up a notch, making Close Quarters a 4.5-starred read.

Release Date: 18 February 2021

Date Read: 18 February 2021

Learn more about Kandi Steiner.

Purchase Close Quarters on Amazon.


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