Review: Cruise by Laramie Briscoe (Moonshine Task Force #6)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

After reading Menace, I just knew that I'd have to hound Laramie Briscoe about writing Caleb Harrison's story. Well, fortunately, I didn't have to do much hounding because she announced soon after the release of the fifth Moonshine Task Force book that he would, indeed, get a book of his own! The end result is none other than Cruise, which also officially closes this series that has captured the hearts of many a romance reader, yours truly included. So, I knew going in that it would be bittersweet, but giving fans and readers Caleb's story, especially because he's part of and the eldest among the next generation of the MTF cast of characters, was the perfect way for us to say goodbye to this group of unforgettable heroic men and their equally inspiring women.

Turning down a guaranteed contract as a pro football player was inevitable for someone like Caleb Harrison. His father has always been his hero, and what he wanted in his life was to be just like Mason Harrison. That meant returning to his hometown of Laurel Springs and becoming a part of the Moonshine Task Force. Six years after graduating from college--a year spent as a police officer and the last five proving himself worthy of being part of the elite group--Caleb has no regrets with his life choices. At twenty-eight, however, he does think about settling down and hopefully having what his parents have--a loving marriage, family, and home. Rescuing twenty-four-year-old high school teacher Ruby Carson from a disastrous date signals the beginning of something special for both of them, but does Ruby have what it takes to be with a man in the MTF like Caleb?

Caleb is, indeed, his father's son, but he's also every bit the man the only woman he's thought of as his mother helped raise. I loved how strong his convictions were when it come to his dedication to his family, his community, and his work. The guy tried his best to keep everything in balance with as far as his personal and professional lives were concerned, and Ruby was clearly the perfect girl for him. She was understanding and supportive and accepted Caleb for the man he was. We get snippets of the rest of the MTF--although obviously we have more of Mason, Karina, and their daughter Kelsea--and while it was fun catching up on how those guys and their respective families were doing, this was truly Caleb and Ruby's love story. There are certain situations that Caleb and Mason go through as part of the MTF that were heartrending, but I loved how there was always that hopefulness that refused to be stifled whenever they returned home to the people who knew and loved them best. As sad as I am to bid adieu to this series and characters, I'm glad Cruise ends on a five-starred note. ♥


Read my reviews for the Moonshine Task Force series:

Renegade (book one) - five stars - My Review
Tank (book two) - five-plus stars - My Review
Havoc (book three) - five-plus stars - My Review
Ace (book four) - five-plus stars - My Review
Menace (book five) - five-plus stars - My Review
Cruise (book six) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 04 May 2018

Date Read: 03 May 2018

Learn more about Laramie Briscoe.

Purchase Cruise on Amazon.


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