Review: Make Me Bad by R.S. Grey

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

R.S. Grey is one of those authors who you feel won't let you down any time you start reading their latest book. Make Me Bad was exactly what I needed as I found myself stuck in bed because I was sick. This standalone is the story of twenty-five-year-old Madison Hart, the children's librarian at the Rosenberg Library of Clifton Cove, and thirty-one-year-old Ben Rosenberg, lawyer and the one guy that Madison's father and brother have warned her repeatedly to stay away from. But see, Madison has come to a decision in her rule-following, always-the-good-girl life: she wants to be bad, and Ben is the guy to help her get there. And hey, if he manages to find someone who could maybe-kinda-sorta help her get rid of her pesky virginity, bonus points! It's not as if Ben himself would be interested, so yeah, he could simply be her guide on her way to nixing her "good girl" status. But Madison wants Ben...badly. She may be surprised to find out that one of Clifton Cove's privileged princes wants her just as much...

I really enjoyed reading Ben and Madison's story, and I loved seeing how their relationship progressed from strangers--although Madison was clearly aware of who Ben was and what sort of reputation he supposedly had--to friends to much more. Maddie was adorably clueless at times, but it made her even more endearing, especially as she tried to go from good girl to badass biatch. Okay, maybe not really that much of a biatch. These two were very much what the other needed, because inasmuch as they may have been opposites, one filled the missing parts of the other. The more interactions Maddie and Ben had, the more you could see the changes they were going through as individuals and as a couple. They were also surrounded by a great case of supporting characters who definitely made the story even more entertaining than it already was, and thank goodness R.S. Grey gave them happy endings, too, because I do not like being left hanging! As always, Grey delivers; Make Me Bad gets 4.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 07 March 2019

Date Read: 07 March 2019

Learn more about R.S. Grey.

Purchase Make Me Bad on Amazon.


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