Review: I'll Be Seeing You by Beth Rinyu

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Enticing Journey Book Promotions.

I'll Be Seeing You is the latest standalone from Beth Rinyu and all I can say is... this is the Beth Rinyu I know and love! I've only read four of her books, but because the previous one didn't really click with me, I pinned my hopes on this new novel. I'm happy to say that Rinyu delivered and in a big way. This was an extraordinary story that reminds us that the truest kind of love transcends time and that soul mates will always find their way back to each other. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Well, I'm trying to keep this review as spoiler-free as possible, so I can't give too many details or I fear those who have yet to read the book won't be able to get the same reading experience, and that's thing: the story of twenty-seven-year-old Olivia Reynolds and twenty-nine-year-old August Fitzpatrick is the sort that's best experienced first-hand--as they go through it all, the reader is right their alongside these two.

Most of Beth Rinyu's writing has a certain understated sort of beauty to it. Amidst the heavier tones and more somber moments, there are those times in her stories where the lighthearted and heartwarming parts emerge and create a counterbalance. With Olivia and August's love story, I went through a myriad of emotions because there was so much more to this than just two people meeting and then falling in love and then going on to live their happily-ever-after after they overcome a trial or two. Goodness, how I wish I could explain exactly WHY this story resonated as much as it did with me, but gah! I've had to press my finger on the "backspace" button more than once while writing this review because something I had just typed sounded spoilery. But I hope that it's enough that I say that this is the sort of tale of timeless love that's worth spending time on. Five stars for I'll Be Seeing You. ♥

Release Date: 29 March 2019

Date Read: 28 March 2019

Learn more about Beth Rinyu.

Purchase I'll Be Seeing You on Amazon.


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