Book Spotlight: Dangerous Beauty by J.T. Geissinger

Dangerous Beauty
(Dangerous Beauty #1)
by J.T. Geissinger
Date Released: March 26, 2019
Montlake Romance

About Dangerous Beauty
For Nasir, former Special Ops military man and bodyguard, his new job seems like an easy-money gig: trail a Russian mobster’s runaway wife in Mexico, enjoy the sun, observe, and report. Just one rule: don’t get too close. But it’s all Naz can do not to watch the alluring dancer’s every move. A closer look is irresistible—especially when she’s in trouble.

Evalina escaped to the island getaway to live an untraceable life—as far away from the past as she can get. But Eva can’t ignore the dark, muscled stud who rescues her from a drug gang. He says he’s an ex-cop on vacation. When providence throws them together time and again, Eva thinks it’s all a beautiful coincidence. Now she’s giving in to a strange new sensation: trust.

But Naz has a mission to accomplish and a secret to keep. Eva has her share of secrets, too. And as the heat flares between them, Naz knows that trust could become the most dangerous impulse of all.

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An Excerpt from Dangerous Beauty
I don’t feel eyes on me for the rest of the afternoon, but I also don’t go back to the apartment or near my bug-out bag, hidden in the belfry of an abandoned church near the docks. I wander the town aimlessly, waiting for darkness to fall and thinking of a handsome man with linebacker shoulders and a slight limp in his gait named Nasir. 

My friends call me Naz, he’d said, his piercing dark gaze full of secrets. 

From his skin tone and facial features, I judged him to be Lebanese or Moroccan, though he had no discernible accent. Those tattoos snaking down the insides of his strong arms were definitely Arabic, but his clothing suggested he was an American tourist. If I hadn’t seen him take down an armed gang leader with one punch and calmly evade a hail of bullets, I’d have assumed he was just another man on holiday with his family, visiting Cozumel for its famed white beaches and breathtaking dive spots. 

Obviously, he’s not just another man. 

He’s a riddle. 

I enjoy riddles, which makes me glad I won’t ever see him again. The last thing I need in my life at the moment is a complication. 

Even if that complication is tall, dark, and handsome and saved my life without breaking a sweat. 

I stop at my favorite café on the beach for a beer and fish tacos. From an app on my cell phone, I check the security system at my apartment. Everything is clear. Any movement within a certain radius will trigger the camera, and any breach of the perimeter will trigger an alarm, but no one has tried to break in or gotten too close for comfort. 

At least for now. 

Pensively watching the waves break and foam on the sand, I wonder if I might’ve been mistaken earlier. I’d been so sure someone was following me, but I have to admit there is the possibility my paranoia has gotten out of control. The reality is that in the three months I’ve been on this island, there’s been no indication that Dimitri has located me. 

I was extremely careful when I left. I covered all my tracks. I meant for this escape to be my final one, and I spared no expense to ensure I was a ghost. 

It was reckless that I told Naz my real name. I did it on impulse, without thinking, which isn’t like me. But those damn gorgeous dark eyes… 

No matter. Whoever he is, he’ll be gone in days, pulled out with the tide like everyone else. The population of this island is mostly transient, which works well for me. A thousand new faces a week come and go, an ever-changing anonymous crowd one can melt into and hide. 

Out of habit, I touch the gun in my pocket, absently thinking that freedom is worth every bit of hypervigilance it’s costing me. 

Even if it’s far more lonely than I imagined it would be.

A Guest Post by J.T. Geissinger
Heroine Eva Describes What Is Inside Her Bug-Out Bag
When you’re on the run from your sadistic Mafia boss ex, your life depends on how quickly you can get away. If, like me, you ever find yourself in a bad situation you need to make a hasty escape from, there are a few necessities you should pack beforehand so you’re ready when danger strikes. That’s where the bug-out bag comes in.

The contents of my own bag are shown here. Modified from a disaster or wilderness survival kit where I’d pack additional items like non-perishable food and camping equipment to help me survive up to seven days before help arrives, this bag is light enough to carry for miles if I’m forced to flee on foot, and designed for one purpose: to help me disappear fast.

  • Cash in various denominations, rubber banded in ziplock baggies 
  • New ID and passports
  • Lightweight jacket
  • Boots
  • Jeans
  • 2 pairs of socks & underwear
  • 2 shirts, one long sleeved
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • First aid kit
  • International burner phone
  • Phone charger
  • Gun & extra ammo
  • Swiss knife
  • Lighter 
  • Thumb drive with copies of any important docs or bank accounts

About J.T. Geissinger
J.T. Geissinger is a bestselling and award-winning author of emotionally charged romance and women’s fiction. Ranging from funny, feisty rom-coms to intense, edgy suspense, her novels and novellas have sold more than one million copies and been translated into several languages.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book and the Golden Quill Award for Best Urban Fantasy and is a two-time finalist for the RITA Award from the Romance Writers of America. She has also been a finalist in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

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