Release Blitz: Clean Break by Erin McLellan

Clean Break
(Farm College #2)
by Erin McLellan
Date Released: March 19, 2019

About Clean Break
Connor’s To-Do List:
  • Learn to accept my future on the family farm
  • Be social, to a degree
  • Make a secret bucket list
  • Have a real conversation with Travis Bradford
Travis’s To-Do List:
  • Get into my top law school
  • Get the hell out of Elkville, Oklahoma
  • Stay focused on my dreams and goals—no crushes, no distractions
  • Get spanked by hot and perfectly fussy farm boy, Connor Blume
Travis and Connor do not like each other, but after being paired together in Entomology 101, their mutual hostility explodes into secret after-class hookups and unexpected feelings. With graduation looming near and their careers taking them in different directions, they’ll have to decide if a future together is worth adjusting their to-do lists and letting go of their carefully laid plans.

Read my five-plus-starred review of Clean Break.

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An Ecerpt from Clean Break
My day had been going exactly as planned. I’d walked to all of my classrooms yesterday, so I knew the most efficient route to each. I’d woken up with enough time to iron my shirt and still get to my first class early. And I’d remembered quarters, so I could get a snack before said class started.

I’d also made three different lists last night, so I felt prepared for the day. 

One for class materials:
  • Planner
  • 3 College-ruled Notebooks
  • 4 Pens
  • Notecards
  • Whiteout
  • Yellow highlighter
A to-do list:
  • Schedule meeting with advisor
  • Buy Scantron forms 
  • Deep clean kitchenette in apartment
  • Work shift at Feed Store
And, lastly, a list of goals for the week: 
  • Complete class readings for next week
  • Finish deep clean of entire apartment
  • Be social – to a degree
  • Delete Tinder, again
  • Go to the gym twice
Travis Bradford was not on any of my lists.

About Erin McLellan
Erin McLellan is the author of several contemporary romances, all of which have characters who are complex, goodhearted, and a little quirky. She likes her stories to have a sexy spark and a happily ever after. 

Originally from Oklahoma, she currently lives in Alaska and spends her time dreaming up love stories set in the Great Plains. She is a lover of chocolate, college sports, antiquing, Dr Pepper, and binge-worthy TV shows. 

Erin is a member of Romance Writers of America and its Alaska chapter.

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