Book Spotlight: Vengeance by Rebecca Zanetti

(Dark Protectors #9.5)
by Rebecca Zanetti
Date Released: March 19, 2019

About Vengeance
From New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti comes a new Dark Protectors/Rebels novella…

Vengeance and revenge are the only forces driving vampire soldier Noah Siosal since losing his brother to an enemy he’s been unable to find. He’s searched every corner of the globe, going through adversaries and piling up bodies until finally getting a lead. The last place he wants to be is in a ridiculous anger management group with people expressing feelings instead of taking action. Until one fragile human, a green-eyed sweetheart being stalked by danger, catches his eye. One touch, and he realizes vengeance can’t be anywhere near her.

Anger and self-preservation are the only motivations Abby Miller needs or wants right now. Falsely accused of attacking the man who’s terrorized her for years, she’s forced as a plea bargain to attend an anger management counseling group with people with some serious rage issues, while learning true self defense on the side. Yet a man, one more primal than any she’s ever met, draws her in a way and into a world deadlier than she’s ever imagined. He offers her protection, but she finds the fight is really for his heart, and she’s ready to battle.

Read my 4.5-starred review of Vengeance.

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Vengeance Trailer

An Excerpt from Vengeance
What had she done? The words came from a piece of personality inside Abby that was tired of hiding. Of being afraid and lonely. Once upon a time, she’d craved adventure. Now that Monte had seen her with another man, her days were limited, anyway. Or maybe his were. It was time to fight back, and while she wasn’t quite sure of her path, she was done being a mouse.

This was a first step.

The impressive man driving the truck with such fierce control drew her in a way she couldn’t define. A feeling, down deep, beyond need. Straight to hunger. She deserved to appease that craving at least once.

He turned into a luxury condo development and parked at the far end of the row.

“Why are you here?” she asked. He didn’t fit in the small town.

“Business,” he said, opening his door and holding out a hand.

She hesitated for the briefest of seconds and then scooted over, sliding her much smaller palm against his warm one. He drew her out, shut the door, and kept her hand as he led her up a flight of fancy stone stairs to a thick wooden door, which he nudged open. “You don’t lock your door?” She tried to walk as casually as possible inside.

“No.” He shut the door behind them, and she jumped. Releasing her hand, he leaned back and crossed his arms, looking way down. “Why?”

She didn’t bother pretending to misunderstand. “I’m tired of not living. I like you, you like me, and that kiss earlier still has me reeling. I want more. While there’s a chance of having it. Of feeling something good.” When she started talking, she couldn’t stop.

His eyes glittered with a lust he didn’t bother concealing. “Don’t be sweet.”

Huh? She frowned. “I’m not.”

“You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen, and I can’t handle that right now.” His lips tipped up in a way that made him look like a slightly amused and very hungry lion.

“Okay.” She returned his smile and stepped right into the fire, pressing her hands against his elbows and tugging, making his arms uncross. “I won’t be sweet. How about seductive?” Where her courage came from, she’d figure out later.

“Baby, you’re seductive just breathing.”

The words shot right to her heart. Warming her. Helping her. Healing her. “You don’t have to say things like that.” She leaned up and nipped his whiskered chin.

“I don’t have to do or say anything.” He grasped her arms and partially lifted her, waiting until her startled eyes met his before continuing. “When I talk, it’s the truth. No ulterior motives. I think you’re sweet and sexy, and I want to be inside you so badly my ears are ringing. But I’m not going to coax you, and I’m not going to persuade you. If you say no, the guest room is yours as long as you want it. If you say yes, your body is mine for the rest of the night.” The tone was raw and possessive. Powerful.

Her knees almost gave out. She swallowed and swayed even closer to him.


“No but,” she responded instantly.

He grinned. “But, this is just a night or two. I have business, and it’s probably not going to be pretty, and I can’t give more than this.”

She wasn’t complete enough for more than this. Right now. She would be someday, however. “This is all I want.” She meant every word. Well, kind of.

About Rebecca Zanetti
Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over forty romantic suspense and dark paranormal novels, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, B&N, iTunes, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publishers Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, a Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Award for Deadly Silence and nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. Amazon labeled Mercury Striking as one of the best romance of 2016 and Deadly Silence as one of the best romances in October. The Washington Post called Deadly Silence "sexy and emotional". 

Rebecca believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off...and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

Connect with Rebecca


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