Review: Rogue Wave by J. Bengtsson (Cake #5)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via InkSlinger PR.

What I'm about to say may incur the wrath--or, at the very least, the pity--of fans and readers of the Cake series, but here goes: Rogue Wave is my first read from both the series and J. Bengtsson. Don't hurt me! Here's the thing: I actually have the first four books already, and same with the audiobooks, but I simply haven't gotten around to reading or listening to them. I was actually saving them for Holy Week, but after finishing book number five in the series, I'm really feeling quite sorry for myself for having missed out for as long as I have and may push that schedule of mine forward. For the record, though, this isn't my first Bengtsson experience. I was fortunate enough to listen to Like the Wind in January and I adored it, but yeah, in terms of all things Cake--a series that's been highly recommended by quite a few of my reader friends--I was a total newbie and then I read Keith McKallister's story, and I wanted to learn more about this intriguing yet inspiring family and how they've overcome heartrending episodes with family and love.

This is going to be a first for me--I am NOT giving this book a rating. Allow me to explain. The lack of a rating isn't because I DNFed (did not finish) the book or that I hated it. I liked Keith McKallister and Samantha Anderson's love story. I liked the romance and the family dynamics surrounding the McKallister clan, but it's that latter part that has me pausing on the whole rating thing. I felt like I was missing something, and naturally, one of the rare times I decide to jump into a series without following my mantra of reading books in order and I remember why I have the mantra in the first place. I need to experience this series from the beginning because I honestly think it won't just give me a greater appreciation for the books themselves in terms of J. Bengtsson's writing, but I think that I'll have a better idea of what makes the McKallister family tick and how they've repaired relationships that, well, needed repairing. So, yeah, I'm not giving a rating to Rogue Wave for now but I will say this: Rogue Wave was a beautifully written story about second chances. ♥

Release Date: 19 March 2019

Date Read: 18 March 2019

Learn more about J. Bengtsson.

Purchase Rogue Wave on Amazon.


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