Review: Anonymous by L.P. Dover

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Anonymous is a romantic suspense standalone novel from bestselling author L.P. Dover, and it's the story of Elizabeth Hastings. She has everything that a woman could want--a loving husband, a thriving business, a great group of friends, and a supportive family. When she receives a text message from an unknown number, it seems innocent enough. Just five numbers: 31773. Then it's immediately followed by a series of texts that makes it clear that the anonymous person sending them knows who she is. She does the sensible thing and has the number blocked, but that only lasts ninety days, and once those three months are up, the texts come in. The anonymous texter seems to know where she is and what she's doing, and fear begins to grip at Ellie. When she finally reaches out for help from her husband and friends, it may be too late because Anonymous is getting closer to claiming her.

I've enjoyed L.P. Dover's romantic suspense endeavors in the past, namely her Armed & Dangerous and Circle of Justice series, so I was excited to get my hands on this new standalone of hers. The blurb was certainly intriguing and captured my attention. But in as much as I liked Dover's writing, I had pretty much figured out who the villain was the second time they showed up in the story. They were my one and only suspect throughout, and there wasn't much in terms of dissuading me or throwing me off the proverbial scent. The villain was a standout character as was Jake, Ellie's husband. Unfortunately, Ellie was more of a hapless victim than anything else, with her refusal to divulge the text messages early on and her being seemingly helpless until she had no other choice but to take matters into her own hands. Still, Anonymous was an okay read with a predictable outcome. 3.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 04 May 2018

Learn more about L.P. Dover.

Purchase Anonymous on Amazon.


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