Review: Nobody's Prince Charming by Aimee Nicole Walker (Road to Blissville #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Vibrant Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

The much-awaited third novel in Aimee Nicole Walker's Road to Blissville series is out and about, and it was everything I could have hoped for! Nobody's Prince Charming is the story of twenty-five-year-old Darren McCoy, better known as Dare, and twenty-eight-year-old Wren Davison, the receptionist and one of the stylists at Curl Up and Dye, the best salon in the town of Blissville. Dare's sunshiny personality is the perfect counterbalance to Wren's grumpier nature. They're total opposites who simply happen to work in the same place. They have absolute nothing in common. Well, unless you count the very mutual attraction they have towards each other--an attraction Dare has been itching to act upon but one that Wren believes is best left unexplored. For over a year, they've never been in step with one another...until circumstances have them spending more time together. Maybe they could finally become friends and nothing more. However, more is exactly what they're moving towards, whether they want to admit it or not. Wren believes he's no one's prince, but Dare doesn't need a prince. All Dare wants is Wren.

Goodness but how I adored Wren and Dare's story! These two truly did have the kind of relationship that evolved over time. No insta-whatever, unless you count attraction, but then many of us have experienced being physically attracted to someone when we see them for the first time and how that attraction can last over time even when their personalities are less than...endearing. But see, we only really get glimpses of Wren and Dare in the original Curl Up and Dye series and in the first two Road to Blissville books, and I absolutely loved getting to know them better here. They've both got stories to tell, and finding out why Wren has a wall around his heart made empathizing with him a no-brainer. Dearest Dare was exactly that--a dear, what with his sweet and accepting nature, and the love he had for his grandfather had me loving him even more. As always, there's angst here, but not as much as the angst found in Unscripted Love and Someone to Call My Own. There's enough information about other characters that has me antsy for whatever's next in the series. Five stars for Nobody's Prince Charming.


Read my reviews for the Road to Blissville series:

Unscripted Love (book one) - four stars - My Review

Someone to Call My Own (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Nobody's Prince Charming (book three) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 02 April 2018

Learn more about Aimee Nicole Walker.

Purchase Nobody's Prince Charming on Amazon.


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