Release Blitz: Face Offs & Cheap Shots by Eden Finley & Saxon James

Face Offs & Cheap Shots
(CU Hockey #2)
by Eden Finley & Saxon James
Release Date: October 5, 2020

About Face Offs & Cheap Shots
For the last three years, I’ve lived and breathed hockey with one goal: team captain. There’s only one thing standing in my way.

TJ Beckett.

Beck is irresponsible and immature, and I’ve hated him since the moment we met freshman year. Yet, the coaches see something in him I obviously can’t, and they refuse to choose between us.

The captain spot is going to a team vote.

And the team thinks that what we need are a bunch of challenges to prove our worth. Challenges that have nothing to do with hockey. Challenges that are throwing me and Beck together.

And he’s still as infuriating as ever.

I have no idea why Christopher Jacobs hates me, and I can’t say I care.

I like pushing his buttons, but the guy needs to loosen up. I’m going to win these stupid challenges easily and spend my senior year as hockey king on this campus.

Tormenting Jacobs at the same time will just be a bonus.

Even if I’m getting confusing feelings toward him, I won’t let it hold me back.

When it comes to competing, I’m all in, and nothing will get between me and the W.

Read my five-starred review of Face Offs & Cheap Shots.

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About Eden Finley & Saxon James
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She doesn't take anything too seriously and lives to create an escape from real life for her readers. The ideas always begin with a wackadoodle premise, and she does her best to turn them into romances with heart.

With a short attention span that rivals her son's, she writes multiple different pairings: MM, MMF, and MF.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

*  *  *

Saxon James unapologetically writes happy endings for LGBT+ characters.

While not writing, Saxon is a readaholic and Netflix addict who regularly lives on a sustainable diet of chocolate and coffee.

Member of SCBWI.

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