Review: Heart Strings by Melanie Moreland

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

I've only read a few of Melanie Moreland's books so far, but if it's one thing that I've noticed, it's that there's this...something extra in each one, whether it be the characters or story or both. And by "extra", I absolutely mean "extraordinary" because I've loved the five titles that I have read. I know, I know. I've got a ways to go since I have yet to tackle Moreland's back list, but they're on my to-be-read list (which I have plans of finally tackling one book at a time next year!) because she's impressed me to the point that I need to know what the heck I've been missing all this time. Latest bit of evidence: Heart Strings, Moreland's latest standalone that totally did it's job tugging on MY heart strings.

Heart Strings is the story of twenty-six-year-old Charlotte Prescott, only daughter of Charles and Josephine and works as a manager at Prescott Inc. Each and every day, she strives to be the best at her job and make her parents proud--to carry on the legacy that was supposed to be her brother Joshua's. But while she may be great at what she does, she doesn't feel the connection to it that she wishes she did. She works under her father because it's her duty, not because it's her dream. One of the few things that sparks true peace and joy in her now is when she listens to the guy playing his guitar by the subway station. What she doesn't know is that while she's been listening to him and his music, Montgomery Logan has been paying attention and sees more than she thought possible. Now, all Logan wants is a true chance for them to explore their one-of-a-kind connection.

There's a lot about this book that I found myself falling in love. From the story itself to the storytelling that Melanie Moreland employs, Heart Strings had and held both my attention and my heart from start to finish. When Lottie and Logan have that first interaction, there's that spark but they don't exchange any words, save for Lottie's softly spoken words of thanks. Then they have that first conversation, and you realize that the kindled connection was quietly being stoked all along, with every glance and acknowledgment. Goodness, but how these two inspired the whole "le sigh" thing from me time and again. This has the makings of a modern classic in the romance genre, and if you're a fan of beautifully penned romances, then Heart Strings is a must-read. Five stars.

Release Date: 12 October 2020

Date Read: 10 October 2020

Learn more about Melanie Moreland.

Purchase Heart Strings on Amazon.


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