Book Spotlight: Subscriber Wars by Kristy Marie

Subscriber Wars
(21 Rumors #2)
by Kristy Marie
Date Released: September 28, 2020

About Subscriber Wars
In my defense, he was wet—and shirtless—and had this really cute birthmark that looked like someone had kissed his ridiculously-defined hip bone.

I got sidetracked, okay? It was an accident. Especially when I kissed him so hard my wig shifted sideways, and he realized I was someone else—someone like his enemy. 

Awkward, right? 

So imagine my surprise when Sebastian shows up at my door months later with clenched fists, demanding I pretend to be his girlfriend so he can win a million dollars.

He’s delicious and all, but I trust him about as much as I trust that super-hot dimple he flashes around campus. 

But then he goes and says the magic words: we’ll split the money fifty-fifty.

So here I am nestled in Sebastian’s arms while two million viewers watch as he leans in, his heart racing under my palm and whispers, “This changes nothing. We’re still at war.”

Subscriber Wars is a standalone romantic comedy about two internet rivals with a meet-prank and the worst habit of turning fake kisses into real ones. 

Read my five-starred review of Subscriber Wars.

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About Kristy Marie
A self-proclaimed reader enthusiast, Kristy Marie started her writing journey back in 2009, reading and writing when her daughter was napping. Establishing her place in Corporate America (because something had to pay the bills), writing became her dirty, late-night secret.

After eight long years, she released her debut novel, Commander in Briefs. It was a long road, but she can honestly say, the road less traveled had the most beautiful sights.

The only thing Kristy loves as much as reading and writing is sports! Especially those that require muscles and a nice ass. Her favorite is, and always will be, baseball. She's such a fan, that she even married her small town's high school's center fielder where they still live with their three badass kids. 

Connect with Kristy


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