Review: Campus Life by T.C. Orton (CYOA #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Vibrant Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

As a preteen, the Choose Your Own Adventure collection of books was a favorite of mine. These books allowed readers to go through different scenarios each time they re-read the book, depending on the choices they made. Sometimes, the ending would stay the same, but more often that not, the ending would change. Decades later, I've come across a couple of books that carry the same idea of choice dictating the outcome, and while I have one title waiting patiently for me on my tablet, I haven't gotten around to reading it. And then the opportunity to read and review Campus Life, the second in the CYOA series by T.C. Orton came along, and I thought to myself, "Why not?"

Full disclosure: I went through the book twice, and I did get two different stories with two different endings. The reader basically takes on the persona of the main character, Joe Smith, who is a college student that transfers from the worst college in the country to the second worst one. In the two paths my choices took me on, Joe had his philosophy professor, Jaylen Woods, for the first story, and then there was Zack, Joe's straight roommate when I read the book again. Between the two, I found myself enjoying the second story, maybe because it felt more substantial in terms of plot and character development as compared to the whole professor-student BDSM thing. For a quickie read each time, Campus Life serves as an entertaining way to pass the time. I'm giving this 3.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 08 April 2018

Learn more about T.C. Orton.

Purchase Campus Life on Amazon.


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