Book Spotlight: Tested in Fire by E.J. Russell

Tested in Fire
(Art Medium #2)
by E.J. Russell
Date Released: April 2, 2018
Riptide Publishing

About Tested in Fire
Six months ago, Stefan Cobbe was at rock bottom: grief-stricken, guilt ridden, debt laden, artistically blocked, and living on charity in an isolated mountain cabin. But after reconciling with his first love, Luke, and moving to Sarasota with him, Stefan is preparing for his first major show. Yes, he still has debts, and no, Luke doesn’t understand Stefan’s desire for independence. But compared to last year? No contest.

Luke Morganstern ought to be happy. After all, his art-investigation business has recovered and he’s got his boyfriend back. But Stefan stubbornly refuses to move in with him or accept Luke’s financial help, and it’s really starting to bug him. Who knew that the biggest test of their relationship wouldn’t be time or distance, but his own insecurities? After Luke’s next job—a trip to Italy to retrieve a mysterious artifact—he plans to convince Stefan that it’s time to totally commit.

But when Luke returns, he changes, and Stefan begins to suspect that the person in Luke’s skin isn’t Luke at all. He can hardly go to the police and claim his lover is the victim of a supernatural hijacking though. He needs alternative help to find Luke and get him back, because he refuses to let anyone—or anything—come between them again.

Add Tested in Fire on Goodreads.

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About the Art Medium series
Artists use all manner of materials to express their vision, to interpret the world around them, to affect the hearts and minds of their audience.

But what if the artist himself were the medium? And what if artistic inspiration weren’t the only force at work?

If painter Stefan Cobbe and art investigator Luke Morganstern don’t answer those questions fast, they stand to lose their reputations, their relationship—and their lives.

Find the Art Medium series on Goodreads.

About E.J. Russell
E.J. Russell holds a BA and an MFA in theater, so naturally she’s spent the last three decades as a financial manager, database designer, and business-intelligence consultant. After her twin sons left for college and she no longer spent half her waking hours ferrying them to dance class, she returned to her childhood love of writing fiction. Now she wonders why she ever thought an empty nest meant leisure.

E.J. lives in rural Oregon with her curmudgeonly husband, the only man on the planet who cares less about sports than she does. She enjoys visits from her wonderful adult children, and indulges in good books, red wine, and the occasional hyperbole.

Connect with E.J. Russell

To celebrate the release of both books in the Art Medium series, E.J. is giving away a $25 Amazon credit and an ebook copy of both titles in the Legend Tripping series! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Contest closes at midnight, Eastern time, on April 7, 2017 and is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Don’t forget to leave your contact info! 


  1. Sounds good!
    jlshannon74 at

  2. I hope you're having a wonderful release week! Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Serena! I am--thanks to folks like you who are keeping me company along the way!

  3. Your Tested in Fire's cover model is the most gorgeous man I've seen in all the books I've ever read (I swear!). So, if you could whisper his name to my ear, I'd be a very happy guy. 😄

    1. Sadly, James, I don't know--the cover models are usually pulled from stock photo sites (although I think LC Chase, who designed the cover, did an awesome job of matching the model to my internal casting of Matt Bomer!).

  4. Thanks so much for hosting me today. And thank you to everyone who's followed me this week with encouragement and engagement!

  5. This book sounds very intriguing, looking forward to reading it!! nikolina1812 @ yahoo .com

  6. Congrats, Kim, and thanks for the post. This sounds great. -
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com


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