Review: Famous Last Words by C.W. Farnsworth

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Grey's Promotions.

This has been a good week for discovering new-to-me authors, with C.W. Farnsworth being the latest. Her newest standalone, Famous Last Words, is my introduction to her writing, and I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that it's taken me THIS long to discover her! But hey, better late than never, and believe me, I'm thanking my lucky Kindle Unlimited-subscribing, greedy AF book-whoring stars that I'm able to check out the first six books on her back list rather easily, which I've already added to my to-do list.

Famous Last Words is new adult (NA) romance with college hockey and enemies-to-lovers as its tropes. But feel free to do what I did right before reading the book--chuck all the labels out the window, and go into this knowing one important thing: this is a romance, an impressively written one at that. We have Harlow Hayes and Conor Hart; both are seniors at Holt University, she with dreams of becoming a marine biologist, he hoping to be drafted into the NHL. They may have never spoken before, but they know and actively dislike each other. They share ties, very tangled ones, and once they acknowledge the existence of the other, those ties ensnare them in a way they may never came back from.

This book left me with one heck of an awesome book hangover. It absolutely surpassed whatever expectations I had, and I enjoyed every single minute I spent getting to know Hayes and Hart, aka Harlow and Conor, and falling in love with their story. There's romance, tension, banter, and hockey. Oh, and did I forget to mention the angst? Yep, a healthy amount to make the angst addict in me giddy with joy. Ironic, I know. I appreciated the hurdles these two had before them because it made getting through them and earning their happily-ever-after oh-so-satisfying. Famous Last Words earns five stars.

Release Date: 15 October 2021

Date Read: 15 October 2021

Learn more about C.W. Farnsworth.

Purchase Famous Last Words on Amazon.


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