Review: Street Smart by Aly Stiles (Work for It #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by Smartypants Romance.

When I found out that Aly Stiles was releasing a book with Smartypants Romance, I confess that I was a wee bit surprised. My exposure to her writing has been on the angsty side. No, I don't mean I had all this angst going on as I as reading; instead, her stories have been more emotional and angsty. My curiosity got the better of me and I'm glad that it did because Stiles's Street Smart has turned out to be a really great dose of lightheartedness, which is something I have been looking for more and more nowadays.

Street Smart is the first book in the Work for It series. We're introduced to Marcos Oliveira, a twenty-four-year-old soon-to-be MBA graduate who's been accepted to Reedweather Media's internship program. When he notices discrepancies and incriminating documents, Marcos takes it to his boss, Evangeline Reedweather, who doesn't seem the least bit surprised. Eva asks Marcos to help her put a stop to the inter-company espionage. If things weren't complicated enough, they're drawn to each other.

There was a lot to love about this book! Aly Stiles always brings the romance, but this time around, she's included some mystery and a hint of suspense to her story. I adored Marcos and Eva! Their banter was wholly entertaining, and their chemistry was palpable. There were quite a few supporting characters, although not overwhelmingly so. Street Smart was paced well, and my interest never waned from start to finish. I liked seeing Stiles pen lighter fare, and I wouldn't mind more in the future. I'm handing this 4.5 stars!

Release Date: 04 March 2021

Date Read: 03 March 2021

Learn more about Aly Stiles.

Pre-order Street Smart on Amazon.


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