Book Spotlight: Waiting for the Sun by Lindsey Iler

Waiting for the Sun
(Hand Over My Heart #2)
by Lindsey Iler
Date Released: November 5, 2019

About Waiting for the Sun
I’m unapologetically in love with Nick Kovac.

He can claim to hate me and blame me for everything.

I’ll fight for us both.

He severs the promise he made, leaving me on the hockey rink floor, heartbroken and alone.

It doesn’t take me long to stand with my head held high, while he's being a coward. Stuck between push and pull, everything we are is in question.

Sometimes the answers are in the stars. Others, it’s where the sun shines that our lives change.

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Waiting for the Sun Playlist

An Excerpt from Waiting for the Sun
“Can I help you?” Nick says, a sly, devilish grin spread across his face.

“You tell me. You’re the one gawking at me from across the pool.” I bite my lip.

He leans forward, brushing my wet hair behind my ear like he’s done a thousand times before. “I wouldn’t exactly call it gawking.” 

“What would you call it then?” I take a step back, giving us distance we clearly need. Together we are like a ticking time bomb. If you get too close, you’ll get caught in the explosion.

“Appreciating.” He stalks forward, forcing me to continue backwards until my head bumps the tiled wall. “Hate and love go hand in hand.”

“You don’t hate me.” I straighten my back, inconveniently pressing my chest right into his. He sucks in a deep hiss, allowing his eyes to roam the tiny gap between our bodies. “If I were to guess, Nick, it’s quite the opposite.” I grab the drawstring on his swim trunks. With one tight tug, there’s no space between us.

“Attraction has nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with our downfall.” He bites his plump, bottom lip the moment my finger skims over the sexy V dipping into his shorts. Like a well-oiled machine, when he moves, I shift to accompany him. With his hand on my hip, he grinds into me. “If I could get past the truth, I’d move that bathing suit to the side and bury myself so deep inside you, you’d forget your own damn name, Hannah.”

My lips open. Words flow through my brain, right to the tip of my tongue, but only muffled sounds come out when I try to speak.

“You can play your little games with me. Flaunt your perfect body all over the damn place. Flirt with Williamson, all you want, Hannah. But one thing will always remain the same. While I want you so damn bad, I get to live knowing you want me even more.”

About Lindsey Iler
Lindsey Iler is the author of the Our Worlds series. She's had her feet planted in the state of Michigan since she was born and she still lives there with her husband and four kids. 

When she's not writing, she's spending time with family and friends, listening to music, and reading.

Lindsey writes mature young adult/new adult romance. She falls in love with every character that pops into her head and is notorious for writing long chapters in her notes on her iPhone.

She finds inspiration from music and the people around her.


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