Audiobook Review: Mr. Frosty Pants by Leta Blake, narrated by John Solo (Home for the Holidays #1)

Note: The audiobook was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design.

Leta Blake's Home for the Holidays series starter, Mr. Frosty Pants, was one of my top reads for 2018, and this November, not only does she have the second book, The Naughty List, out and about, but she's also just released the audiobook of Casey Stevens and Joel Vreeland's story! Yay! What makes this audiobook even more awesome is the fact that's it's narrated by John Solo, one of my favorite male narrators around. I absolutely loved revisiting this holiday romance about two best friends who lost touch for almost four years only to finally lay claim to the feelings that they've been keeping secret for too many years. Naturally, happily-ever-after isn't easily achieved, but then the best things in life never are, right? Especially when it's all about true love and hope for a great future together.

If you've never listened to any of Blake's available audiobooks, you cannot go wrong with this holiday romance. It's the story of Casey and Joel, who were best friends up until Casey left for college and cut off all communication with Joel. He had his reasons for it, of course. He was hoping it would be a case of "out of sight, out of mind," except it turned out to be a matter of "absence makes the heart grow fonder." To complicate matters, Joel never had any clue that Casey was gay and in love with him. To be fair, though, Casey had no idea that Joel was queer and had loved him for years. Now, Casey's back, but even with Christmas in the air, there's no guarantee that love and harmony will be, as well, and even if they are, will Casey's and Joel's difference and insecurities drive them apart?

Having already read this story, I already knew how everything would play out, but Leta Blake's writing is the kind that demands a re-read, or in this case, experiencing once again, only this time via audiobook. John Solo's voice lends itself well to Blake's story, and theirs is a combination that truly is all about storytelling. Casey and Joel's tale of friendship rekindled and love acknowledged and shared was both endearing and enticing. Aside from the romance and sex, the story also touches on family and acceptance, especially given that both Casey's and Joel's fathers had issues with their sexuality--Casey is gay and Joel is gay and demisexual. I loved listening to Mr. Frosty Pants, and I can only hope that the next audiobook will pair Blake and Solo once again. This receives five-plus stars. ♥

Date Listened to: 14 November 2019

Learn more about Leta Blake.

Learn more about John Solo.

Purchase Mr. Frosty Pants on Audible | iTunes


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