Review: Wild Thing by JA Huss (Naughty Things #3)
Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.
While the first two books in the Naughty Things series were on the sweet--but still quite sexy!--side, JA Huss wades back to the dark side with the third and latest book. Wild Thing involves a forced marriage but it isn't between the main characters, which is just one of the twists in this tale. Lyssa Baylor has quite a reputation, one that's gained her the nickname of "Wild Thing". Her list of sins is lengthy and she does nothing to dissuade people from believing whatever it is they hear. After all, when it comes to Lyssa, what you see is what you get and she makes no apologies for it. And as far as Mason Macintyre is concerned, Lyssa is every bit the wild thing she's purported to be. He's got a plan in place, but corralling this privileged society princess isn't as easy as it may seem. Sure, taking her to the agreed upon location is one thing, but getting her to behave is a whole 'nother battle altogether. Yup, not only is Mason's job description has changed dramatically, but he thinks disciplining her with a few spankings and making her submit should solve the problem. The thing is, Mason's never quite met a problem like his Wild Thing.
This book took me by surprise mainly because it had a darker feel to it than books one and two, Pretty Thing and Sweet Thing. Now, that isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if you're familiar JA Huss's writing. For almost half of the story, I was trying to figure out what was really going on because it was clear that there was more to Lyssa's behavior than her being this wild child who's got a slew of criminal charges that have been made against her over time. I was also a wee bit wary of Mason because he seemed to lack a strong sense of conviction in the beginning, although he did manage to finally open his eyes and make a number of necessary realizations with regards to Lyssa. While it may seem like certain revelations were shockers, hindsight makes me note that there were several clues that were dropped here and there. The dark part of the story does have to do with why Lyssa acts a certain way during particular times, and how everything plays out was done well in the last quarter of the book. While Wild Thing wasn't my top favorite in the Naughty Things series, the twists and romance had me hooked. Four stars. ♥
This book took me by surprise mainly because it had a darker feel to it than books one and two, Pretty Thing and Sweet Thing. Now, that isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if you're familiar JA Huss's writing. For almost half of the story, I was trying to figure out what was really going on because it was clear that there was more to Lyssa's behavior than her being this wild child who's got a slew of criminal charges that have been made against her over time. I was also a wee bit wary of Mason because he seemed to lack a strong sense of conviction in the beginning, although he did manage to finally open his eyes and make a number of necessary realizations with regards to Lyssa. While it may seem like certain revelations were shockers, hindsight makes me note that there were several clues that were dropped here and there. The dark part of the story does have to do with why Lyssa acts a certain way during particular times, and how everything plays out was done well in the last quarter of the book. While Wild Thing wasn't my top favorite in the Naughty Things series, the twists and romance had me hooked. Four stars. ♥
Read my reviews for the Naughty Things series:
Pretty Thing (book one) - five stars - My Review
Sweet Thing (book two) - five stars - My Review
Wild Thing (book three - stars - My Review (posted above)
Wild Thing (book three - stars - My Review (posted above)
Release Date: 13 May 2019
Date Read: 11 May 2019
Learn more about JA Huss.
Purchase Wild Thing on Amazon.
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