Review: Claim Me by Geneva Lee (Royal World #2)
Note: A review copy was provided by the author via Wildfire Marketing Solutions.
Oh my word... Just when you thought all was well in the palace, secrets and lies stormed the proverbial castle and now, Alexander and Clara are at a loss as to how to proceed with their life as husband and wife, as parents, and as the Sovereign and his Queen. Claim Me was originally released in late March under the title of Wicked Queen, as the second novel in Geneva Lee's spin-off Sovereign series. Since then, both the series and already published novels have been rebranded, with book one switching from Wild King to Cross Me and the series now called Royal World (which, along with the Royals Saga, is part of the Royals Collection). I loved the first book, and this second one has definitely lived up to a great deal of what I had hoped it would be, meaning I was far from disappointed.
Just a quick FYI, though: Cross Me and Claim Me, formerly known as Wild King and Wicked Queen, respectively, MUST be read in order. These two books are directly connected and feature a continuing story line. I could also go into my whole spiel about reading the Royals Saga books, but I'd already mentioned my suggestion in my review for the first book back in January (basically, go read Command Me, Conquer Me, Crown Me, and Complete Me before reading this spin-off series!). So, if you're new to the Royal World series, make sure to read it in order.
Ah, how my heart broke for X and Clara in this book! Sigh. In any relationship, love is key, but it also isn't always enough (and now I've got THAT song running in my head as I type this!). Trust and respect need to be present, and communication is an absolute must, and in the case of these two, trust was in short supply. As far as communication was concerned, I found myself wishing I was actually in the story so I could tell them to start talking and listening to each other. All the secrecy--and this was coming from BOTH sides--was affecting them. And the whole conspiracy angle? Well, there is a third book in the offing, so I wasn't all that surprised by either the cliffhanger ending (which actually made me want to kinda-sorta-maybe scream in frustration, but the wait for book three isn't too long) or that answers are still pending. Claim Me has me addicted (again) to X and Clara! 4.5 stars. ♥
Just a quick FYI, though: Cross Me and Claim Me, formerly known as Wild King and Wicked Queen, respectively, MUST be read in order. These two books are directly connected and feature a continuing story line. I could also go into my whole spiel about reading the Royals Saga books, but I'd already mentioned my suggestion in my review for the first book back in January (basically, go read Command Me, Conquer Me, Crown Me, and Complete Me before reading this spin-off series!). So, if you're new to the Royal World series, make sure to read it in order.
Ah, how my heart broke for X and Clara in this book! Sigh. In any relationship, love is key, but it also isn't always enough (and now I've got THAT song running in my head as I type this!). Trust and respect need to be present, and communication is an absolute must, and in the case of these two, trust was in short supply. As far as communication was concerned, I found myself wishing I was actually in the story so I could tell them to start talking and listening to each other. All the secrecy--and this was coming from BOTH sides--was affecting them. And the whole conspiracy angle? Well, there is a third book in the offing, so I wasn't all that surprised by either the cliffhanger ending (which actually made me want to kinda-sorta-maybe scream in frustration, but the wait for book three isn't too long) or that answers are still pending. Claim Me has me addicted (again) to X and Clara! 4.5 stars. ♥
Read my reviews for the Royal World series:
Cross Me (book one) - five stars - My Review
Claim Me (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)
Date Read: 21 May 2019
Learn more about Geneva Lee.
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