Review: Fearless King by Maya Hughes (Kings of Rittenhouse #4)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

Fearless King is the fourth full-length novel in the Kings of Rittenhouse series penned by Maya Hughes, and while you can choose to read this book as a standalone, there are recurring characters and I think reading the series in order will lead to a better, more well-rounded reading experience. If you've already read the previous titles, then Ford Atherton should be more than familiar. His story has a touch of the forbidden, thanks to his involvement with none other than his best friend, Colm Frost's, younger sister--Olivia. Add to that another complication in the form of Ford's younger brother, Grant, having feelings for Liv as well, and you can imagine all the angst and feels in this book. There is a prequel in the form of a free short story on the author's website that does set up the beginnings of Ford and Liv's romance, and while you don't necessarily need to read it in order to understand this, it's still a pretty fun way to familiarize yourself with these two, especially if you've never read any of the previous full-length titles.

Maya Hughes took on the falling-for-your-best-friend's-sibling trope and now readers are reaping the rewards of her efforts. This was a fantastic take on the trope while adding in creative touches here and there to ensure that it isn't just like every other book that uses the same basic story line. Twenty-six-year-old Ford and twenty-year-old Liv also have a touch of the second-chance romance feels here, and I'm honestly glad that Ford had to work his way back into Liv's good graces. After the way things imploded between them (read the free short story, people!), I appreciated the author not taking the easy route. These two had a journey to go on in order to be in the sort of mature relationship that they deserved to have. Naturally, there are the issues regarding Colm and Grant, and goodness, you're reminded of why communication is key and why secrets always have a way of coming out. Don't worry; there is a happy ending. The Kings of Rittenhouse series keeps getting better! Five stars go to Fearless King. ♥

Release Date: 30 May 2019

Date Read: 30 May 2019

Learn more about Maya Hughes.

Purchase Fearless King on Amazon.


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