Review: Nail Polish & Feathers by Jo Ramsey (Deep Secrets and Hope #1)

Note: This ebook was provided by Dreamspinner Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Sixteen-year-old Evan Granger is gay and doesn't care who knows it. As a matter of fact, he's never hidden who he is and he finds solace in the knowledge that his mother and his cousin, who also happens to be his closest friend and biggest supporter, accept him. Then he learns that the football player he's had a crush on, Moe Garcia, is gay and wants to be his friend and maybe something more. There are quite a few in his school, however, who express their abhorrence in as pointed a manner as they can. When the bullying crosses over into criminal behavior, Evan wants to just go back to living his life the way he always has: out in the open. Whether it's his wardrobe choices or his outspokenness, there are those who can't help but wonder if the bullying is partly his fault. But Evan Granger's not about to sit idly by and let the bullies win.

Nail Polish and Feathers is the first book in the young adult (YA) LGBT series from Jo Ramsey entitled Deep Secrets and Hope. This was truly Evan's story and how he deals with the bullying and the qualified acceptance he gets from those closest to him. The one true person who appears to accept him as wholly as possible is his cousin Holly, while his mother and Moe can't help but ask him to tone down so as not to call further unwanted attention to himself. Their reactions come from a place of love and are not surprising and I do get the point that they're trying to make, but you can't help but applaud the more difficult choice Evan had to make--to stand up and continue to be who he is without making any compromises for whatever reasons others may have. It's his courage that makes Nail Polish and Feathers a four-star read. ♥

Date Read: 03 September 2015

Learn more about Jo Ramsey here.

Purchase Nail Polish and Feathers on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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