Review: Kissing Her Crazy by Kira Archer (Crazy Love #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Elliott Debusshere has never complained about having a privileged life filled with partying, women, and a job that doesn't really require much of him. However, he's grown tired of it all and while at an island resort the week of his twin sister's wedding, he meets the groom's younger sister, Lena Oserkowski, and for the first time, he's inspired to be more--to give more of himself and to expect more from himself. She's full of creative ideas that spark something in him, but he also teaches her a thing or two when it comes to having fun and shows her that he's actually worthy enough to spend time with her six-year-old son Tyler. But they're from two different worlds and when Elliott's pressured to choose between the unknown and the life he's always known, he may be forced to let go of Lena, Tyler, and the potential to be crazily happy.

Kissing Her Crazy is the second book in author Kira Archer's Crazy Love series and picks up soon after the epilogue of the first book, Driving Her Crazy, which was about Oz Oserkowski and Cher Debusshere. In this sequel, we have Oz's sister Lena, a single mom trying to find a way to be self-sufficient and create a life for herself and her son without having to rely on anyone else, and Cher's twin brother Elliott, the head of the family-owned charity who has never really wanted for anything other than his parents deeming him good enough. Just like their siblings before them, Elliott and Lena are trying to prove themselves, though unlike Oz and Cher, these two are still trying to figure out what exactly it is they want to focus their energies on. Their clashing backgrounds becomes another source of fodder for Elliott's parents to pick on.

It took a bit of convincing on Elliott's part for Lena to see him as something more than his spoiled playboy image, and I was glad that he didn't come off as arrogant or high-brow. He truly was a good guy and I loved his interactions with Tyler, mainly because I'm a firm believer that being able to appreciate and have fun with the same stuff that kids do doesn't make you immature. On the other hand, Lena is, as expected a very protective mother and doesn't give in to every whim her son may have. She views Elliott as a man-child, but learns to open her eyes to his being a positive influence to her son and a positive presence in her son's life. The main emotional support system these two have is their respective siblings, and their relationship with them is open and honest but still relaxed and able to tease and poke fun like close siblings tend to do.

Lena and Elliott's love story is a fun one to read, but they do go through certain challenges and there are also some very important life changes that they need to make as individuals if they hope to go forward and create a future for themselves as a family with Tyler. Just like Oz and Cher's story, this one has a lot of heart with enough lighthearted humor to put a smile on your face and bits of drama that will have you hoping these two find the courage to stand up for themselves and fight for what they want and deserve. I really enjoyed this book, with me giving our main characters a pump fist at one point in the story. So far, the Crazy Love series has proven to be a good one. I'm not sure if there's a third one in the offing, though I'm curious about Lena's best friend Iris and a cowboy named Nash. Kissing Her Crazy receives five stars. ♥

Release Date: 12 October 2015

Date Read: 10 October 2015

Learn more about Kira Archer here.

Pre-order Kissing Her Crazy on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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